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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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What is the International Aviation & Space Salon MAKS?

The territory of the Russian Federation stretched across ten time zones. These vast expanses can hardly be developed without the wide use of passenger and cargo aviation. For certain regions such as the Far North and Far East, aircraft are the sole means of transportation. The recent increase in the traffic on both domestic and international lines confirms the branch's substantial progress while successful and profitable operation of Russian carriers is a reason to forecast their fleets' expansion through new aircraft deliveries.

A hallmark of a new era in the Russian history was the nation's vigorous integration into international cooperation
. The integration efforts gaining momentum within the Russian aircraft manufacturing industry ensured active introduction of major foreign companies' engines and avionics to Russian-made airliners.

Russia is a vast, dynamic market of civilian aircraft. The MAKS air show is an ideal means of showing both domestic and foreign-made airliners, engines and avionics to potential customers
. The advantages of such an approach have already been enjoyed by such renowned companies as Boeing, Airbus Industrie, DASA. General Electric, Pratt&Whitney, CFMI, Turbomeca, Honeywell, Allied Signal, etc. Russian enterprises joined the international A3XX super-airliner programme and also participate in the development of prospective hypersonic aircraft.

MAKS Presentation

- What is MAKS


- Why we choose MAKS


- Civil Aviation


- Engines & Avionics


- Military Aircraft


- Space & Rocketry


- Airshow


- Forum


- Not only Work


- History


- Novelties on MAKS

MAKS Archive

- MAKS Presentation


- MosAeroShow' 92


- MAKS' 93


- MAKS' 95


- MAKS' 97


- MAKS' 99


- MAKS'2001

See also

- MAKS on Video


 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47