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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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MAKS Presentation

What is the International Aviation & Space Salon MAKS?

The International Aerospace Show, known by its Russian acronym 'MAKS , is a rightful occupant of a leading position in the ratings of major world aviation fora. The very idea of the MAKS lies in demonstrating Russian high technologies and domestic market openness to joint ventures with the use of foreign partners' cutting-edge advances.

The MAKS show is held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, being traditionally opened by the Russian president. This is the warranty of superior organisation and authoritative participants. During the show, top civil servants are open for business contacts. For all those engaged in aerospace business the air show is a unique opportunity to get the first-hand information on the standpoints of decision-makers whose position can have an impact on key issues of developing and selling aircraft and their weapons, as well as on cooperation in these fields.

The MAKS provides participants with the most comprehensive understanding of the Russian aerospace industry's priorities and advances. Its the only place where one could see aircraft and weapons system prototypes as well as experimental systems that cannot be shown abroad due to some or other reasons.



The MAKS provides experts and businessmen a rare opportunity to establish contacts at various levels, further development of R&D and production cooperation and search for new business partners. The role the MAKS plays as a generator of new alliances and promising concepts has been recognised worldwide.

The MAKS is held in the town of aircraft science and technology - Zhukovsky - at the airfield of the major national testing facility - Gromov Flight Research Institute
. The participants in the show will be able to visit nearby major research, production and experimental organisations of Russia.

High on the MAKS agenda are scientific conferences and symposia held under the auspices of the Russian national research centre -JsAGI. The events enable scientists and experts to trade their idea concerning topical aerospace issues of the present and past.

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MAKS Presentation

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MAKS Archive

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See also

- MAKS on Video

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