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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
Home page      365 days On-line Exhibition     For Exhibitors     For Visitors     For Press     Aviasalon PLC
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365 days on-line
International Aviation & Space Exhibition
365 days on-line International Aviation & Space Exhibition

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MAKS 2003

MAKS 2003 Exhibition sections

Aircraft of all types and their applications
Rocket systems, spacecraft and satellite technologies
Airplane and rocket engine technologies
Airborne and on-ground aircraft equipment
Navigation, flight control and safety systems
Materials and technologies
Armored vehicles and equipment
Financing, insurance and consulting
Air carriers and transportation services
Maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
Expo services
Classical armament, explosives
Aviation weapon and air defense systems
Naval equipment
Battlefield and command communication systems
Computer technologies
Conversion technologies
Airfield equipment
Mass media


Requests & Offers

Requests & Offers to the Companies - exhibitors of the 365 days on-line exhibition (just in Russian)
You can send your request or offer to the company from the company's exposition pages.

MAKS Exhibitors

MAKS 2001 Exhibitors
MAKS 1999 Exhibitors
MAKS 1997 Exhibitors


Exhibitors & Exhibits of MAKS 2003

Exhibitors of MAKS'2003
Exhibits of MAKS'2003

MAKS 2003 Exhibition site plan with Companies Expositions

Расположение участников в павильонах МАКС 2003

The plan will be presented after the registration in MAKS 2003 canceled.
<< Home page


Aircraft of all types and their applications


Rocket systems, spacecraft and satellite technologies


Airplane and rocket engine technologies


Airborne and on-ground aircraft equipment


Navigation, flight control and safety systems


Airfield equipment


Materials and technologies


Armored vehicles and equipment


Classical armament, explosives


Aviation weapon and air defense systems


Naval equipment


Battlefield and command communication systems


Computer technologies


Conversion technologies


Financing, insurance and consulting


Air carriers and transportation services


Maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)






Mass media


Expo services
How to present exposition


Offers & Forms
 1997 - 2002 © SOVA-2000 LLC ® www.MAKS.Ru - 365 days on-line exhibition.