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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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MAKS Presentation: Military aircraft

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MAKS Presentation: Military aircraft

What is the International Aviation & Space Salon MAKS?

The MAKS acquaints potential customers with the latest combat aircraft and air defence systems as well as the programmes for upgrading the present-day military aircraft fleet, which can be embodied in the framework of international cooperation. The armament exhibition is increasingly becoming a strong and dynamically developing component of the show Russian air defence systems enjoy a well-deserved recognition throughout the world. The show provides an opportunity to survey them, as well as the latest models of precision-guided weapons, radar systems, mobile radio-electronic warfare complexes, small arms.

Modern combat rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft produced in Russia are pacesetting by their performance. But beside equipping the Armed Forces with up-to-date weaponry, there is another problem that is very pressing these days -  upgrading Russian combat fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft currently in operation with various countries. 

In Central and Eastern Europe Mikoyan MiG-29 fighters will be updated and maintained by the MAPS Russian-German joint venture set up by the MiG Russian Aircraft Corporation, Rosvoorouzhenie and DASA. Beside Russian producers, the Israeli IAI and South African ATE companies, too, offer sophistication services for the huge fleet of Mikoyan MiG-21 fighters and Mil Mi-24 combat helicopters.

In a number of programmes, Russian aircraft designers co-operate with their foreign partners. The Kamov company offers Turkey the Ka-50-2 Erdogan strike helicopter equiped with avionics produced by the Israeli IAI. 

In some fields Russian designers are leading the world. Russian ejection seats have never been matched as far as their reliability and effectiveness are concerned, and similar crew recovery systems for fixed-wing aircraft have no analogues at all.

MAKS Presentation

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See also

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