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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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in Zhukovsky has opened a new page in the history of aviation shows and festivals in Russia.
The first International aerostatics exhibition took place in 1911 in Saint Petersburg. Since the thirties, when the state began to pay its special attention to the development of aviation industry, air shows have become a tradition.

Russian aviation and cosmonauts have achieved one of the leading positions in the world. It was in Russia that the first jet airliner Tu-104 was created, the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched and for the first time in history a manned spaceflight was carried out. Russia confirmed its status of a great aviation Power by making the most advanced aircraft of MiG and Su brands whose magnificent flight performance was repeatedly highly commended at all greatest world airshows.

that the town of Zhukovsky in Moscow suburbs is a place for the Airshow. It is here that the famous Flight Research Institute is situated which has the longest runway in Europe. Vast air space ensures a wonderful view of demonstration flights. The great territory accommodates up to two hundred aircraft for various purposes, as well as a large exhibitio complex: 40 pavilions with total area of 25,000 sq. m. where there are displays of companies-participants, a press-centre, cafes, restaurants, shops. The Moscow river and a few lakes near-by make for a favorable microclimate.

live in Zhukovsky, one of the most beautiful modern towns in Moscow suburbs. The town was designed and developed as an aviation scientific center.
A number of scientific-research institutes, research-and-design bureau and aviation enterprises are situated here. Among them there are: the well-known for its scientific development works, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after professor Zhukovsky (TsAGI); the Gromov Flight Research Institute (Lll) where new aviation technology is tested; the Myasyshchev Experimental Engineering Plant (EMZ) — in its workshops the first prototypes of new aircraft are created; the Scientific-research Institute of Aviation Equipment (NIIAO) — both design avionics. The thing that this International Aerospace Show is hold in the town of aviation science and technology, distinguishes it from other world airshows. During the days of the Airshow scientific institutes of Zhukovsky hold symposiums on actual problems of aviation and astronautics.

is 35 kilometers from Moscow. Nearby there is a civil aerodrome Bykovo. It is easy to reach the town by car, by bus or by local train. This attracts a large number of spectators during the Airshow where the best air groups, sporting pilots and parachute-jumpers participate.

MAKS-92 Aerospace exhibitions were re-established in Russia in autumn of 1992, when the first Russian air show of the post-Soviet era, Mosaeroshow' 92, was held. This event attracted 203 Russian, CIS and Western company exhibitors, and 114 aircraft were exhibited. The total number of professional and public visitors reached an estimated 300,000.

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