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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
:.. Info-center / for Press /

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Information Centre "Aviasalon"
Press Centre MAKS 2003

Information Service:  

Press accreditation:

Aviasalon Information Center:
Tel.: (095) 9281551, 928 0642
Tel/Fax: 8 (095) 925 4998


Post Address: IC "Aviasalon", office 5058, 6th entrance, 21/5, Kuznetsky most Str, Moscow, Russia, 107996 


  • How do I get to MAKS?
    You can get to by car and by public transportation. Directions and map you can find here.

  • What equipment I can use at the press-centre? Shall I pay for it?
    Journalists can use special tables, computers, sockets for on-line access to Internet, faxes, copiers, phones, printers and paper. The equipment is free of charge for accredited journalists.
  • Shall I pay for international phone calls?
    Yes. The fee for international and domestic (Russia outside Moscow area) phone calls is as usual as in Moscow. Local phone calls (Moscow and Moscow area) are free.
  • Can I use cellular phones nearby the airfield?
    Yes. The connection is sometimes unstable, though.
  • What are the regulations concerning photo and video shooting?
    Photo and video shooting are allowed to the accredited journalists. Commercial shooting and usage of photo and video are prohibited without special permission.
  • Where and when accreditation cards could be obtained?
    Accredited journalists can get press cards after June, 20. For more information, please call +7 (095) 363 5644, +7 (095) 9280642 .
  • How can foreign journalists get an invitation to Russia for visiting MAKS-2003?
    Foreign participants, as well as journalists, need to approach any of MAKS accredited touroperators. Please, find contacts at MAKS.RU page “Travel Services”.
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Press center of MAKS 2005
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