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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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MAKS Presentation: Why we choose MAKS  <<

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MAKS Presentation: Why we choose MAKS

What is the International Aviation & Space Salon MAKS?

1. MAKS - is the immense special fair where the large-scale deals for purchasing equipment and technologies, long-lasting cooperation are being prepared, discussed and concluded, this is the place where the professionals associated with the aviation and space complex meet with each other, where the principle «value - efficiency» is realized at most.

2. MAKS - is the business club of the air transport, business-centre, up-to-date communication means, assisting to find the required partners and evaluate the market potentials. About 30 thousand representatives of business circles of the West and CIS-countries visited MAKS-97. Dozens of big contracts were concluded at the Salon.

3. MAKS - is the place where scientific conferences, seminars, creative discussions are being held, and where new trends of aviation and space cooperation of the XXI century are determined. The practice of the previous three Russian salons showed, that such scientific forums at the MAKS attract «stars» of the first magnitude to this place. Neighbourhood of such world famous scientific centers as TsAGI, LII, VIAM, TsIAM, NIIAO, TsNII MASH and others enable to carry seminars in the laboratories at the experimental basis of the leading Russian Institutes.

4. MAKS - is the world largest aerobatics show. MAKS enables to display their capabilities, both heavy airplanes and up-to-date fighters, as well as aerobatics teams, light and sport airplanes and helicopters. A breath-taking spectacle attracts not only the specialists but hundreds of thousands of aviation fans to the salon. Over 350 demonstration and show flights were performed at the MAKS-97.Those, who took part at the Moscow Aerospace Salon remain its true and ardent supporters and permanent participants.

5. MAKS enables foreign partners to obtain the most reliable information about Russian producers and operators «at first hand». This is contributed by special programs of attracting the business partners and customers carrying out the scientific symposia, discussions, seminars, conferences.

- is a vast territory at which the specialists and business people have the possibility to become acquainted with the innovations of the aviation and space industry. Over 200 types of the aircraft, airplanes of the general purpose aviation, helicopters, liners of civil aviation, engines, armament, space vehicles are displayed in the open grounds. There are spacious pavilions and chalet with the indoor exhibition floor space equal to about 30,000 sq. m. 


The up-to-date exhibition complex and business center enabling the participants to solve all the problems of the exhibition process and business is created today on the basis of the largest in Europe airfield of the M.M.Gromov Flight Research Institute (LII). Exceptionally advantageous geopolitical position of Russia located on the historical crossroads of the East and the West attracts businessmen, associated with the aviation industry, space and air transport to the MAKS.

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MAKS Presentation

- What is MAKS


- Why we choose MAKS


- Civil Aviation


- Engines & Avionics


- Military Aircraft


- Space & Rocketry


- Airshow


- Forum


- Not only Work


- History


- Novelties on MAKS

MAKS Archive

- MAKS Presentation


- MosAeroShow'92


- MAKS'93


- MAKS'95


- MAKS'97


- MAKS'99


- MAKS'2001

See also

- MAKS on Video

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47