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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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MAKS Presentation: not only work <<

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MAKS Presentation: not only work

What is the International Aviation & Space Salon MAKS?

Foreign and non-resident participants in the MAKS'2001 air show and its visitors have a rare opportunity to see the sights of Moscow and its environs. The Bolshoi Theatre and unique collections of Moscow museums, the amazing Kremlin ensemble, the Trinity and Sergiy Monastery, the renovated historical centre of Moscow, hospitable restaurants and night clubs of the city are ready to meet various and exclusive tastes.

One of these days you will be able to visit the 'Northern Venice' - St. Petersburg, familiarise yourselves with the vernacular arts. Even at the MAKS air show you will be able to buy souvenirs from different regions of Russia.

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MAKS Presentation

- What is MAKS


- Why we choose MAKS


- Civil Aviation


- Engines & Avionics


- Military Aircraft


- Space & Rocketry


- Airshow


- Forum


- Not only Work


- History


- Novelties on MAKS

MAKS Archive

- MAKS Presentation


- MosAeroShow'92


- MAKS'93


- MAKS'95


- MAKS'97


- MAKS'99


- MAKS'2001

See also

- MAKS on Video

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47