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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
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MAKS Presentation: MAKS history

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What is the International Aviation & Space Salon MAKS?

The MAKS international aerospace show dates back officially to 1992. However, it could be rightfully called a successor to both the first Russian international aircraft exhibition held in 1911 at the Mikhailovsky Manezh (St. Petersburg) and the air parades in the skies above the Red Square and aviation celebrations in Tushino. During the distant 1930s, the aviation enjoyed immense popularity, with such occasions attracting people in dozens of thousands. Their substantial flaw lied in the unavailability of static aircraft demonstration.

Entering a new era, Russia prompted the need in new ways to demonstrate the national aerospace industry potential. So, 1992 saw the governmental resolution on the Gromov Flight Research Institute airfield (Zhukovsky, Moscow region) hosting a dedicated exhibition dubbed Mosaeroshow'92. The keen interest shown to it by both Russian and foreign companies, experts and businessmen added momentum to this undertaking. As a result, the Russian president authorised holding the exhibition on a regular basis and granting it the status of an international aerospace show. Thus, the MAKS came into being.



Numbers prove a significant growth of the scale of the MAKS aerospace show. Its organisers are quite certain that in the upcoming century the show shall keep on developing still further as an instrument of integrating Russia even further into the global aerospace community and expanding domestic cooperation.

Each of the MAKS alr shows held would unveil for experts the Russian aerospace-industry's latest developments - prospective fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, rockets, missiles and scientific advances. At the MAKS a\r show the foreign partners display their products intended for the Russian market, as well as present their joint projects.

MAKS Presentation

- What is MAKS


- Why we choose MAKS


- Civil Aviation


- Engines & Avionics


- Military Aircraft


- Space & Rocketry


- Airshow


- Forum


- Not only Work


- History


- Novelties on MAKS

MAKS Archive

- MAKS Presentation


- MosAeroShow'92


- MAKS'93


- MAKS'95


- MAKS'97


- MAKS'99


- MAKS'2001

See also

- MAKS on Video


 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47