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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
:..MAKS 2003

Brief information on MAKS 2003 results

   Four hundred sixty one enterprises and organizations from Russia and 145 foreign companies including the CIS and Baltic countries have taken part in the sixth International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2003. Expositions were located in 35 halls in the area of 25 650 sq. m. In comparison with MAKS -2001 available indoor exhibition space has increased more than 25 %. At the open exhibition space, which area exceeded 6 000 sq. m, samples of military technical complexes and missile weapons, flying devices of various classes and purposes and other technical equipment were presented. Negotiations and meetings with domestic and foreign delegations were carried out in 58 chalets. Flags of 40 countries - exhibitors opened the aerospace salon.
   Two hundred and fifty aircraft of various types were shown on static display. Thus the amount of aircraft of foreign manufacture has considerably increased - 69 planes and helicopters, including 42 military aircraft in structure of aerobatics teams of the Air Forces of France « Patrouille de France » and the Air Forces of Italy « Frecce Tricolori », and also in exposition of the US Air Forces.
   Almost all enterprises of the aerospace industry of Russia have taken part in MAKS -2003. Thus the central place took the integrated expositions of Sukhoy Aviation Corporation, Aerospace Equipment Corporation, MiG Russian Aircraft Corporation and also expositions of leading Russian enterprises "Salut ", "Kamov", "IKUT", etc. Participation of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was rather great, especially the pavilion of the RF Space Forces drew attention of specialists and visitors.
   Though in comparison with leading aerospace exhibitions of the world the foreign participation was not so broad, all leading companies have been presented at ÌAKS-2003: European international company EADS, the Boeing company, United Technologies Corporation (USA), Rolls-Royce (UK), French companies SNECMA, THALES, CFMI and others. Traditionally the aerospace industries of Germany and France have been presented by national pavilions.
   Without exaggeration it is possible to say, that the MAKS-2003 flight program is the best in the world in its level and quantity of demonstration flights. During the three first business days flights were carried out for 4 - 5 hours per day, and during the public days - for 6 hours per day. In total 222 flights have been executed during MAKS 2003. Russian aerobatics teams « Russian Vityazi », "Swifts", « Heaven knights », and also aerobatics teams of the Air Forces of Italy « Frecce Tricolori », the Air Forces of France « Patrouille de France » and the plane - demonstrator of the US Air Forces F15 E have shown the skill in the sky of Zhukovsky. Flights were provided with detailed comments in Russian and English. Participation of even two aerobatics teams is considered a great success for leading aerospace exhibitions. In opinion of experts and visitors the MAKS-2003 flight program is the most exciting in the world.
   One thousand six hundred journalists from 41 countries representing 492 mass-media (editions, TV channels, radio channels), including 147 foreign MM, have been accredited at MAKS-2003. More than 80 various actions were carried out (press conferences, briefings, « round tables »). In the Press Centre the computer hall with 20 workplaces providing access to the Internet has been equipped for journalists. For the first time the Business Centre of Civil Aviation has been presented. The new conference hall on 120 seats has been equipped with the state-of-art equipment including LED and plasma screens.
   Extra communication system for 320 phone numbers has been organized for exhibitors, including the Internet connection.
   Special attention has been given to service of visitors. Fifty six cafes and restaurants provide meals and beverages. Extra 480 toilet cabins have been installed. Three parking areas for participants and visitors were organized - 4000 parking places at the Flight Research Institute territory and 17000 parking places at the entrance of Zhukovsky city.

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Totals of MAKS 2003


Brief information on MAKS 2003 results








Russian Aircrafts


Foreign Aircrafts


Flying programme on ÌÀÊS-2003


24-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


23-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


22-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


21-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


20-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


Mass Media on MAKS


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The tenth anniversary of Russian Aerospace Shows


What is MAKS?


Civil Aviation




Military Aviation


Precision-Guided Weapons and Air Defence Assets


Rockets and Spacecraft




Scientific Forum at MAKS


Air Show - Flight Demonstration


MAKS and Culture
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