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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
:.. MAKS'2003

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Civil Aviation

The growth of air traffic allows experts be optimistic in their forecasts.

According to Boeing experts, by 2020, the world airliner fleet might have grown by 2.27 times, equaling 33,000 aircraft. From 2001 to 2020, a total of 23,500 airliners and regional planes might be delivered, with their worth totaling $1.7 trillion.

According to the forecast of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, the domestic Russian market capacity for all classes of passenger aircraft will exceed 1,140 with that for cargo transport accounting for 260.

Russia occupies 1/6 of the world's land spanning 10 time zones, with the country itself being spanned by the shortest routes from Europe and America to Asia. Sandwiched between two civilizations, Russia has been for centuries a bridge between Europe and Asia. Its economic, scientific and cultural potential, coupled with its natural resources, open bright vistas before its foreign partners for business, which are beneficial for both parties. 

The recent economic growth in Russia is bound to lead to a substantial upsurge in the sphere of joint ventures to build civil aircraft. Thus, during the MAKS air show talks were under way between Sukhoi and Boeing on developing RRJ (Russian Regional Jet) aircraft.  

During MAKS 2001, over 70 civil aircraft were displayed: unveiled were the Il-96M long-range transport aircraft powered by PS-90A engines, Su-80GP passenger/cargo prototype, Su-38N agricultural plane, N-6 Aero-Volga multirole amphibious aircraft. Foreign participants in the MAKS 2001 air show unveiled in Russia the An-74-300 regional aircraft, the Boeing 717-200 short-range aircraft, Cessna Citation Excel Biz-Jet. In the course of the show, Airbus, part of the European aerospace corporation EADS, confirmed its commitment to expand its cooperation with Russia under a strategic partnership agreement signed on the eve of MAKS 2001. 

The recent economic growth in Russia is bound to lead to a substantial upsurge in the sphere of joint ventures to build civil aircraft. Thus, during the MAKS air show talks were under way between Sukhoi and Boing on developing RRJ (Russian Regional Jet) aircraft.

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24-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


23-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


22-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


21-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


20-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


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