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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
:.. MAKS'2003

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Precision-Guided Weapons and Air Defence Assets

By tradition, MAKS 2001 hosted a wide array of sophisticated air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons and air defence systems. Russia is a recognised world leader in manufacturing such weaponry. At MAKS shows best developments of leading Russian defence designers are demonstrated. According to expert opinion, Russian Air Defence, Air Force and Army materiel has been evolving dynamically and upgraded permanently.

Quite a stir was made at the 2001 event by the Almaz Central Design Bureau which unveiled its S-300PMU2 SAM system designed to counter strategic and tactical aircraft and cruise and ballistic missiles. 

During MAKS 2001, information was provided on the new-generation surface-to-air missile system S-400 Triumph and new-generation AD gun-missile system Pantsir-S1, with upgraded Army AD systems Shilka, Strela-10, Tunguska, Tor and Buk displayed. 

Experts stress high exportability of the Russian materiel. The sensation of the MAKS 2001 show was made by the first public demonstration of the future short-range SAM system featuring the Phoenix 360-degree surveillance optronic system. 

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Brief information on MAKS 2003 results








Russian Aircrafts


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Flying programme on МАКS-2003


24-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


23-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


22-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


21-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


20-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


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The tenth anniversary of Russian Aerospace Shows


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Precision-Guided Weapons and Air Defence Assets


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