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:.. MAKS'2003

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The Tenth Anniversary of Russian Aerospace Shows

The year 2002 was the year of the 10th anniversary of the MAKS Intentional Aviation and Space Salon. Under a Russian governmentХs resolution the first international aerospace exhibition took place in 1992 at the airfield of Gromov LII (Flight Research Institute).

The location was not selected by chance. Moscow and the Moscow Region make up a region where aerospace developers and manufacturers are in abundance. There is hardly a place in the world to feature such a multitude of research centers, production companies and experimental and testing facilities of the aerospace industry.

MAKS became the first Russian air show. It is characterized by a top-notch level of organization and representation. The decision on holding an air show is made by the Russian government. The MAKS organizers include ministers and heads of major research and production centers of the aerospace industry. By tradition, the President of the Russian Federation takes part in the official grand opening of the show. 

Mosaeroshow'92 was the first international aerospace event held in Russia. In the summer 1992, the Gromov LII airfield hosted 203 Russian and foreign exhibitors displaying 114 aircraft. The show was attended by more than 300,000 visitors.

  was a logical continuation of the concept and experience Mosaeroshow'92. This was Russia's first international air show aimed at specialists and businessmen. The show attracted 260 exhibitors, including 82 foreign companies, and was attended by upwards of 400,000 people.

Finally, MAKS'95 set the location, periodicity and future strategy of the show. In line with the presidential directives, the Gromov LII airfield became the sole permanent location to hold air shows in odd years at.

MAKS'97 provided the exhibitors with 25,000 sq.m of indoor space and a static display area for over 200 aircraft. The infrastructure of the exhibition site had been also improved. 

MAKS'99 opened new vistas to the participants. The area of the exhibition halls totaled 30,000 sq.m, the capabilities of the press center grew and new areas for presentations and conferences appeared. The efforts of the air show organizers were rewarded: MAKS'99 broke its predecessor's record in terms of exhibiting companies and aircraft displayed.

MAKS 2001, the first air show of the new millennium, consolidated the tendency of growth. 35 halls and 52 chalets housed displays and representatives of 537 exhibitors from 34 countries. Upwards of 160 aircraft were on display during the show. Opened by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the event was covered by in excess of 1,200 reporters from over 400 printed and electronic media.

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Totals of MAKS 2003


Brief information on MAKS 2003 results








Russian Aircrafts


Foreign Aircrafts


Flying programme on МАКS-2003


24-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


23-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


22-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


21-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


20-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


Mass Media on MAKS


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The tenth anniversary of Russian Aerospace Shows


What is MAKS?


Civil Aviation




Military Aviation


Precision-Guided Weapons and Air Defence Assets


Rockets and Spacecraft




Scientific Forum at MAKS


Air Show - Flight Demonstration


MAKS and Culture
MAKS history
 :.. MAKS'2003
 :.. MAKS'2001










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