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International Aviation & Space Salon
August 16-21, 2005, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky
:.. MAKS'2003

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Military Aviation

MAKS is the largest exhibition site of the aircraft segment of the Russian military industrial complex. Only here one can see everything Russia promotes on the international aircraft and armament market and get exhaustive information on virtually any subject.

Experts are never fail to be attracted by premieres traditional at MAKS shows. 
At MAKS 2001 a lot of things were unveiled, including the Su-27UB and Su-35UB twinseat multirole fighters, Su-24M, Su-25 and Su-39 attack aircraft upgrades, Su-47 Berkut experimental aircraft, MiG-29M2 twinseat combat aircraft and the MiG-29OVT thrust-vectored prototype. 

The South African Air Force displayed a modified Mirage F1 AZ powered by a Russian-built engine and fitted with Russian-made avionics and weapons.

The feature of latest MAKS has become a wide discussion of the international projects of modernization and development of new weaponry, participants in which are EADS, IAI, Marvotech (South African) and other companies.

Experts and general public were drawn to Russo-Ukrainian airlifters An-225, An-124, An-70, Russian Il-96T, Il-76PT, IL-114T and helicopters Mi-26T, Mi-8, Mi-28, Ka-226, Ka-50, Ka-52 and Ka-60. 

home page
Totals of MAKS 2003


Brief information on MAKS 2003 results








Russian Aircrafts


Foreign Aircrafts


Flying programme on МАКS-2003


24-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


23-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


22-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


21-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


20-08 Planned table of Flights (rus)


Mass Media on MAKS


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The tenth anniversary of Russian Aerospace Shows


What is MAKS?


Civil Aviation




Military Aviation


Precision-Guided Weapons and Air Defence Assets


Rockets and Spacecraft




Scientific Forum at MAKS


Air Show - Flight Demonstration


MAKS and Culture
MAKS history
 :.. MAKS'2003
 :.. MAKS'2001










 1997 - 2003 © SOVA-2000 LLC ® www.MAKS.Ru - 365 days on-line exhibition.