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Mil Helicopter Plant

Easy multi-purpose helicopter Mi-2 (MI-2A)


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Helicopter multifunction use.

Mi-2 light multy-role helicopter designed in USSR by Mikhael L.Mil, the Mi-2 multy-role helicopter was for many years manufactured in Poland. It boasts wide population around the world and is inferior to Mi-8 only in terms of number of aircraft prodused, with the total of 5.5 thousand built. Owing to the great amount of these helicopters with large residual servise live both in Russia and abroad, as well as to the constant growth of demand for choppers of the type, the programme of Mi-2 modernisation seems to be good business. The programme provides for partial and, in the long run, entire reproduction of Mi-2 manufacturing in Russia with considerable improvements made in its performance.
The Mil plant is making a joint effort with certain Russian enterprises to implement a complex Mi-2 modernisation programme.
The first stage of the programme provides for mastering of repair and overhaul technique in Russia, with subsequent manufacturing of parts, elements and units of the helicopter. Currently, the plant went as far as participation in manufacturing of main rotor blades, overhaul of fuselage and some of systems of the chopper, and replacement of obsolete avionics. Also, it is mastering production of the tall rotor blades, overhaul of engines, rotor drive system, rotor shafts and other elements. In the course of overhaul the choppers are relifted with the more powerful GTD-350W engines.
At the second stage, the plant is planning to develop and start asembling the Mi-2 with the Al-450 engines, new systems and units, including a new flight and navigation system. Provisions are made to equip Mi-2A with the Turbomeca Arrius 2 engines.
The third stage will consist in improvement of major elements of the chopper, i.e. blades, shafts, fuselages, systems and putting the rennovations into serial production. The modernisation is likely to result in development of a new chopper with considerably improved specificifications and maintainability. It is expected to be derived into a whole bunch of modifications.
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