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Mil Helicopter Plant

Mil Helicopter Plant
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Company name: Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (MMHP)
Brief name company: Mil Helicopter Plant
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Andrey B. Shibitov
Contact information: (095) 264-9083, 264-5571,
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 107113 Moscow, 2, Sokolnichesky val
Post address of the main office: 107113, Russian Federation, Moscow, 2, Sokolnichesky val

Basic directions of activity

The joint company Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil (MVZ) is a leading developer of rotary wing aircraft in Russia, as well as a universally recognized world`s leader in helicopter building. It was founded by Designer General Mikhail Leontyevich Mil. This years the enterprise is celebrating the 55th anniversary since the foundation.

The main fields of the MVZ`s activity include prototype designing and R and D, projecting, assembling helicopter prototypes, putting them into mass production, as well as certification, modernization, follow-on of both military and commercial choppers, and also renewal of overhaul-period and service life of all the Mi family.

Specialists of the MVZ developed a variety of helicopters of all types and classes, including light, medium and unique heavy ones, as well as specialized and multi-role, ground and deck based and many others. The fifty-five-year work resulted in one and a half dozen basic models, to say nothing of a greater deal of derivatives (totaling over 200). Almost all the models were put into mass production, their specifications and cost effectiveness being second to none or even superior to the best foreign equivalents.

List of names of basic let out production

The MVZ named after M. L. Mil modernizes and develops new rotary wing aircraft of all existing classes and types:
1. Combat helicopters.
2. Transport and multi-role helicopters.
3. Light multi-role helicopters.

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