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Brief historu

The Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil (MVZ) can boast significant progress in 2001-2002. Owing to the governmental support, coordinated activities by the shareholders, and primarily by the main other than governmental shareholder - the MIB design bureau, as well as due to the sophisticated economic policy pursued by the plant`s officials, it overcame the bankruptcy having paid off all the debts, and is successfully regaining its leading positions in helicopter building. Once in a while the company has become licensed to develop, produce, repair and modernize all Mi-family aircraft. Based on the MVZ, the leading helicopter holding is being formed in Russia.

The R and D and prototype investigations of the Mil plant are part and parcel of federal task programs aimed at development of Russia`s commercial aircraft fleet, as well as of governmental armament and international cooperation programs. The enterprise is continually strengthening close ties with Russian companies engaged in mass production of helicopters, and with the world`s largest aircraft builders of the EADS and United Technologies kind.

Presently, the plant is working on future Mi-28N, Mi-38, Mi-54 and some other projects, as well as on modernization of the widely known Mi-2, Mi-8/17, Mi-24, Mi-26 and Mi-34 helicopters.
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