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Mil Helicopter Plant

Mil Helicopter Plant

MAKS 2009 - International Aviation & Space Salon

Mi-28NE Attack Helicopter Round-the-Clock Action



Mi-28NE is intended to search and destroy tanks and other armoured materiel, as well as low-speed aeriel targets and enemy personnel

Efficient Destruction of Various Targets is Provided by Means of:
-Powerful 2A42 30-mm cannon in chin turret;
-highly efficient Ataka ATGMs and Igla AAMs;
-pod-mounted guns and rockets;
-mast-mounted radar;
-FLIR and 3-rd generation NVG compatible cockpit instrumentation;
-stabilised surveillance and sighting integrated system.

Combat Survivability is Enhanced Through the Use of:
-Radar and laser warning receivers;
-chaff/flare dispensers;
-engine-exhaust IR suppressers;
-redundancy and shielding of vital components;
-battle damage tolerant structures and materials;
-fuel system preventing explosion, ignition and leakage.

Crew Survival is Provided by Means of:
-Ballistically tolerant (up to 20-mm calibre);
-energy absorbing seats and airframe structure;
-parachute escape system at altitude exceeding 100 m.;
-evacuation compartment for 2-3 persons.

Guided Armament:
1. Ataka Guided Missile:
-ATGM version with shaped charge warhead ensures destruction of armour;
-AAM version with high explosive blast fragmentation warhead is intended to destroy air targets;
-missile radio command guidance system provides the best jamming immunity.

2. Igla Missile:
-Supersonic AAM with high explosive fragmentation warhead, passive IR homing guidance.

3. 2A42 Cannon:
-Extraordinarily powerful 30-mm cannon from the infantry fighting vehicle is accommodated in the chin turret;
-ammunition boxes are mounted on each side of the cannon, providing selectable and highly reliable cannon feed.
The day and night capable MI-28NE helicopter is a two-seat (pilot and co-pilot) helicopter with classical configuration, a five-blade main rotor and x-shaped tail rotor, controllable tailwheel landing gear. Wing is used to attach weapons and external fuel tanks. MI-28 NE is intended to search and clestroy tanks and other armoured materiel, as well as low - speed aerial targets and enemy personnel.

To assign the tasks set, the chopper may use:
- a non-detachable NPPU-28N rotaring gun-pod with the 30-mm 2A42 cannon with250 rounds of ammo;
- universal UPK-23-250 gun-pods (2 ones) with the 23mm GSh-23L cannons with 250 rounds of ammo in each pod;
- the 9-A2313 Ataka V anti-tank system with the 9M120F, 9A-2200 A6Ms (up to 16 missiles);
- the Igla heal-seeking guided missiles (up tp 8 ones);
- 80 mm 5-8 free rockets in the B8V20-A rocket-pods (2-4 pods);
- 122 mm S-13 free rockets in the B13L1 rocket-pods (2-4 pods);
- unitised KMGU-2 small - size cargo containers (2-4 ones).
The chopper boasts a set of avionics, ensuring employment of weapons, and flight and navigation day and night in advertise weather at critically low altitudes with a terrain - following capability. The set alsomonitors work of the power plant and other systems, provides voice warning of crew, radio communications between chopper and ground, interphone and recording of all communications. The avionics include a navigation system, an airborne digital computer, a cockpit managment system, a multi-role displaying system, a weapons control system, a sight and surveillance station, a pilot’s thermal imaging system, a helmet - mounted target designation and indication system, night goggles, communicatopns set, radar and laser illumination warning system and IFF equipment.

The features of the design provide high survivability of the helicopter and its crew. MI-28NE is equipped with an effective chaffs/flares dispending system to protect itself from SAMs.
Currently, the MI-28NE combat helicopter is undergoing official trials.
1. Improved hot-and-high performance.
2. High agility and wide range of monoeuvring load factors.
3. Autonomous 15-day in-field maintenance.
4. Air transportability with minor dismantling.
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