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Transas, JSC

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Chart Data Generation System

Chart Data Generation System

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Photo Description
The Chart Data Generation System is intended for the formation of a chart display and connection to the glass cockpit system and multi-functional displays. It considerably relieves the workload on the crew during both, VFR and IFR flights.
• Formation of a presentation from the vector electronic charts (aeronautical, topographic
maps, sea charts, separately and in combination),
• Formation of the terrestrial surface presentation on the DEM basis and data on
the artificial obstacles,
• Presentation of terminal procedures and air field plans in AIP format,
• Formation of a presentation from the airborne weather radar data with a capability
to overlay on the chart display,
• Formation of a presentation from the data of meteorological services (results of weather
radar operation, pressure topography charts, etc.),
• Display of the flight route from the FMS against the background of any other
TMG-17 allows connection of up to four multifunctional displays, in case of connection to more
than one display, each pilot can choose separately the contents and scale of the displayed information. TMG-17 is connected to the displays via a video interface (STANAG) or via Ethernet. ARINC-429 is used for connection to the radio navigational equipment or computing systems. ARINC-708 is used for connection to the weather radars.
   About company
   Main activity
Aero nautical support
Quality Assurance
Chart Data Generation System
Тerrain awareness and warning system
Flight simulators
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