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Transas, JSC

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Aero nautical support

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Photo Description
NaviJet is airborne database in the format used by TRANSAS systems. This database is
formed by processing the database records in ARINC-424 format and TREND database
• Application
NaviJet is designed for use in the TRANSAS airborne and ground systems during the plan-
ning and execution of IFR flights, and is used for the support of airlines making flights
• Capabilities
NaviJet allows a considerable improvement of efficiency of TRANSAS airborne and ground
systems, like the automatic moving map system (AMMS), FMS, TAWS, full-mission simula-
tors, Planning Station. NaviJet is displayed on the screen in the form of aeronautical supple-
ment to an electronic topographic map.
Besides, data from NaviJet is used in the systems for the calculations and display of reference aeronautical information.
• Information components
NaviJet database contains records on the following aeronavigation objects:
• Aerodromes which the IFR procedures are published for,
• IFR procedures,
• Runways,
• Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA),
• Airport Communication,
• Airways of the Upper and Lower Airspace (as well as Domestic Routes for the Territory of
• IFR Holding Patterns,
• Enroute and Terminal Navaids,
• Enroute Communications,
• Restricted Airspace,
• Terminal Areas,
• Flight Infor mation Region (FIR), Upper Flight Information Region (UIR)
• Delivery
The database is supplied on the CD`s and data cards followed by the updating every 28 days
at the time specified by the AIRAC system. You can order NaviJet for the following stan-
dard coverages:
• Worldwide,
• International,
• Americas.
   About company
   Main activity
Aero nautical support
Quality Assurance
Chart Data Generation System
Тerrain awareness and warning system
Flight simulators
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