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Transas, JSC

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Electronic Navigational Data TREND

Aero nautical support

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Photo Description
• Concept
TREND (TRANSAS Electronic Navigational Data) aeronautic database has been designed
with regard to the international standard requirements for ARINC-424 databases, and
contains information covering the territory of the Russian Federation. To make it more
informative, in addition to the standard entries determined by ARINC-424 format, the
database is supplemented with additional records developed by TRANSAS. Information
from TREND database is used for producing NaviJet and NaviProp onboard databases
which are used in the airborne systems, fullmission simulators. Planning Station. Besides,
TREND serves as a source of information for building up scenes in the full mission simula-
tor visual system.
• Information components
The format and components of TREND database information are to the maximum extent
brought into agreement with ARINC-424 format in the part concerning principal air navi-
gational objects: Airports, Heliports, ILS, Holding Patterns, Navaids, FIR/UIR.
Besides, TREND database contains unique data required for VFR flights. For the first time
information on the Regional VFR Routes and Regional aerodromes, landing fields and VFR
aerodrome procedures is described electronically and can be supplied to the users of
TRANSAS airborne and ground systems. All the data on air navigational objects, in
addition to the primary ARINC-424 records, contain additional entries like the description
of unpaved runways. Domestic Flight Information Region (MDP),etc.
• Data sources
For the source data, TREND database uses information published in the official docu-
ments with aeronautical information and supplied by the authorised bodies. The main
suppliers of data are Regional AIS`s of the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation.
This data is supplied within the framework of ”Regional Information” project. This proj-
ect includes delivery of TREND MASTER software, developed by TRANSAS, to Regional
AIS`s which use it for the processing of aeronautical information published in the
main aeronautical documents: Aeronautical Guidances of Aerodromes, Airfield Manuals,
Lists of Regional VFR Routes. All the processed information is sent to TRANSAS
head office where it passes check procedure and is used for the preparation of NaviProp
and NaviJet onboard databases.
   About company
   Main activity
Aero nautical support
Quality Assurance
Chart Data Generation System
Тerrain awareness and warning system
Flight simulators
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