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Transas, JSC

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Quality Assurance

Aero nautical support

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Photo Description
TRANSAS Aviation places special emphasis on its products quality assurance. A specially developed Quality Check System is used for ensuring accuracy of the supplied aeronautical information. It ensures the data integrity at all the stages of forming TREND initial database and preparing onboard NaviJet and NaviProp databases, and includes:
• Check of the manual data input,
• Check by duplicating the data input,
• Cross check,
• Test check,
• Visual check.
• Check of manual data input
The check is made by the TREND MASTER program automatically at the stage of manual
data input, and is possible owing to the relational data mode. This guarantees integrity of
information stored in the database, allows implementation of facilities for the easy use
of the previously entered values, as the system automatically fills in or calculates default
data, offers a selection from the available values, ensures the absence of duplicate informa-
tion. During the input of the most complicated objects, input results are shown graphically
(e.g., SID, STAR, Approach, MSA sectors). All these things make the operator`s work easier
and guarantee the logic data integrity.
• Check by duplicating the data input
This check is made for identifying and correcting manual input errors which cannot be
detected by the check of the manual data input (e.g., navaid frequencies, flight levels,
speed limits, etc.). Input of information in the database is made independently by two opera-
tors, and is then compared by the software. As a database is received from Regional
AIS`s along with copies of source documents (Airfield Manual, Aeronautical Guidance of
Aerodrome, List of Regional VFR Routes, etc.) the navigator from TRANSAS AIS
department re-enters this data. As this is done, the software comparison of the
received and re-entered records will be performed. It is only the data which has successfully passed the check, which will get in the principal TREND database.
• Cross check
This type of check includes software comparison of TREND database record fields with the
corresponding fields of a database by another manufacturer to identify non-compliances and
eliminate possible errors.
• Test check
This check is made automatically at the stage of conversion to the format of the supported
system during the preparation of the onboard database. At this stage, the fullness and cor-
rectness of data in the source file is checked.
• Visual check
When this kind of check is performed, the database prepared for use by the airborne
and ground systems, displayed in the form of an electronic chart, is checked against the
source document.
   About company
   Main activity
Aero nautical support
Quality Assurance
Chart Data Generation System
Тerrain awareness and warning system
Flight simulators
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