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Transas, JSC

MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
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Flight simulators


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Photo Description
Transas Aviation offers all levels of flight simulators, from flight training devices to full mission
simulators for the civil planes and helicopters.
The simulator allows practising in
• handling of airborne equipment and systems,
• crew members interaction procedures when operating the aircraft systems,
• IFR piloting at all the flight stages using various radio technical aids,
• visual orientation within the range of 16000km,
• troubleshooting,
• aircraft piloting cnroute and in the aerodrome area,
• extension of the troubleshooting list to the full list specified by the Fliglit Manual .
It also allows practising of procedure at the following flight stages:
• preflight check,
• taxiing,
• pre-takeoff checklist,
• helicopter hovering,
• take off,
• climb,
• cruising flight,
• descent,
• emergency descent,
• approach,
• missed approach,
• landing.
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Aero nautical support
Quality Assurance
Chart Data Generation System
Тerrain awareness and warning system
Flight simulators
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