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CSTS Dinamika

Simulator of the operator of a cargo on an external suspension bracket

Aviation simulator

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Simulator of the operator of a cargo on an external suspension bracket, Company " Dynamics" develops unique for today in Russia a simulator of the operator of a cargo on an external suspension bracket. This aspect of application of helicopter technics interests many her as is extremely important for a lot of practical appendices - prospecting works, saving operations, unique installation works, etc.
Piloting of the helicopter with a cargo on an external suspension bracket has a number of features and is more complex, than by transportation cargoes inside a cabin. The design of cabins of average helicopters usually does not allow pilots to see a cargo through a cabin, therefore successful performance of flights with a cargo appreciably depends from piloting pilot and onboard the technics, a cargo observing of behaviour through the cargo hatch and-or an entrance door of a cargo cabin.
Experts of "Dynamics" had been solved the basic problems arising at modelling of operations with a cargo on an external suspension bracket in structure of a simulator of the helicopter, namely:
· It is developed and realized as spatial movement of a cargo special ON mathematical model on an external suspension bracket and his influences on dynamics of the helicopter
· The stereosystem of visualization of a cargo on a background of a spreading surface in a uniform visual stage is developed.
Structurally the simulator represents a breadboard model of a corresponding compartment of a cabin with the hatch. Specially developed the device provides stereoeffect of the image that is extremely important for such problems where high accuracy and sensation of volume of the image are required in the hatch.

More detailed description of a simulator look HERE
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