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CSTS Dinamika

Procedural simulator of the helicopter of round-the-clock application MI-24PN

Simulator aviation for helicopter MI-24PN

Aviation simulator

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Photo Description
Procedural simulator MI-24PN, Simulator aviation for helicopter MI-24PN

The simulator aviation for helicopter MI-24PN is intended for training, training and an estimation of a level of preparation of crews on work with complex БРЭО of helicopter Mi-24Pn and to the decision of navigating and fighting problems with application БРЭО.

The structure of an aviation simulator includes the following basic modules:

• A breadboard model of a cabin of helicopter Mi-24Pn with regular workplaces of the pilot and the operator;
• A workplace of the instructor;
• The computer complex;
• System of visualization of external conditions;
• System of imitation of acoustic noise;
• The device of interface of the equipment;
• System of power supplies;
• The complete set of spare parts, units and the operational documentation.

The simulator provides training and training of crew:

• On input of the initial data in complex БРЭО;
• On search, detection and recognition of the typical purposes on to the image;
• By definition of coordinates of the helicopter with use of satellite navigating system;
• On work with a bidimentional electronic card and programming of a route;
• On application of controlled and unguided rockets, gun arms.

The procedural simulator is equipped with instrument boards, panels and the lateral boards identical real on appearance and functionality. All controls in a cabin of a simulator correspond real.

The system of visualization includes:

- The single-channel projective system of visualization providing corners of the review to each member of crew in sector not less 40 ° across and 30 ° on a vertical (the sanction is not lower 1280 x 1024 пикселов, frequency of change of the staff not less than 30 Hz);
- System of viewing внекабинного spaces in the IK-range;
- The simulator of work of glasses of night vision with use of glasses of a virtual reality and laser.

The simulator is created on modular technology, his components and ON further can be used by development of similar simulators at modernization of helicopter Mi-24Pn and for other types of helicopters.

Use of the given procedural simulator in educational classes together with the computer automated training systems is stipulated.

More detailed description of a simulator look HERE

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