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CSTS Dinamika

Complex simulator of crew of the plane Mig-29

Simulator aviation for the plane Mig-29

Aviation simulator

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Complex simulator of crew of the plane Mig-29, Simulator aviation for the plane Mig-29

The simulator an aviation Mig-29 for the plane is intended for training and training structure of planes the Mig-29 on various by kinds combat training, and also development of steady skills of crew in work with the equipment of a cabin at the decision of special problems of fighting application.

The complex simulator of new generation allows to fulfil all without exception modes of piloting and fighting application down to such complex, as a corkscrew and сваливание.

The structure of a simulator includes the following modules:
• A cabin (the cabin of the real plane equipped with the complete set of levers, boards, a board and simulators of devices is used);
• The computer complex;
• System of visualization;
• A workplace of the instructor;
• The rack of power supplies;
• An auxiliary simulator.
The cabin of a simulator represents a full-size copy of a workplace of the pilot of real object. Simulators of devices, boards and levers of management allow the pilot to develop and fix stereotypes of actions at work with armature of a cabin that is especially important at deficiency of time for decision-making in real conditions.
The system of visualization of a simulator includes computer synthesis of the image onditions, realized on the basis of powerful IBM-compatible computers and graphic accelerators GeForce (the sanction 1248х1024, frequency of change of the staff not less than 30 staff in a second), plus the projective path consisting of six projectors, blocks images of firm 3Dperseption and the cylindrical tension screen. Due to use of this equipment and the special software corners of review FOV (120?H x 60?V) are reached at maintenance of unity and a continuity of images in all six channels.
The auxiliary simulator is intended for preliminary preparation structure in a mode of independent work from the basic cabin, and also for imitation of actions of the second plane at flights « in pair ».
The simulator has successfully passed state tests ГЛИЦ the Air Forces.

More detailed description of a simulator look HERE

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