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Priority directions and plans for development of the company

Expansion of modelling lines and perfection of manufacturing techniques of aviation simulators for preparation of crews of planes and helicopters

Development and perfection of experimental base (the equipment and the software) in interests of creation and support tests of flying devices of new generation

Expansion of functionalities and modelling lines of educational classes for lines of the most widespread planes and helicopters

End of the state tests of complex simulators of crews of helicopters Mi-17, Мi-24

Development of complex simulators of crews of planes L-39, Сu-24М, Tu - 22МЗ, Сu-27
End of development of a procedural simulator and the training program for preparation the nonproduction personnel of the helicopter of round-the-clock application Мi-24PN
End of development of automated training systems for preparation nonproduction structure of planes Be-200, Silt - 96-300