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Brief history

Center of scientific and technical services "Dynamics" has been created in 1989 with the purpose of development and manufacture of a full complex of aviation means of training for the nonproduction personnel of branch - from computer classes of theoretical preparation up to the complex complex aviation simulators providing the maximal conformity of modelled conditions of flight real.
Development of unique training technologies and realization of pilot projects of a world level have allowed the company to borrow leading position in the market domestic. For last 16 years by the company are created more than 250 educational complexes of a various level of complexity. For the first time during postSoviet time the state tests of aviation training technics successfully gone.
The innovative development, conducting company " Dynamics" for the last few years, have allowed to create for the first time in Russia the aviation simulators possessing highest for today a degree of adequacy of dynamic model of the flying device to a real product, and also high quality of perception of real flight.
Among last realized projects - creation of complex simulators for crew of the plane the Instant - 29, simulators for deck fighter Су-33, simulators for helicopters Mi-24P, Ми-8 and Ми-17-1В. Today"s projects of the company include development of two engineering simulators for Open Society « Civil planes Dry », two engineering simulators for РСК "Instant", a simulator for plane L-39, automated training system for Silt - 96-300, АОС for plane Be-200, and also АОС for planes That - 22М3, Су-24М, Су-33 and Су-27КУБ.
"Dynamics" has been created on the basis of the Central aerohydrodynamical institute (TSAGI) being one the largest world centers of an aviation science. Cooperation with TSAGI, and also with conducting domestic design offices, has allowed to develop mathematical models of dynamics of flight of planes and the helicopters, being a basis of aviation simulators of any degree of complexity.
The collective of the company consisting of more than hundred highly skilled experts, is capable to solve successfully the challenges in the field of technologies aviation - both scientific, and industrial.
Company " DYNAMICS" is one of organizers the International institute of management the LINK becoming the largest Russian - British project in the field of formation. For 14 years training in the LINK under programs of Open university of the Great Britain have passed more than 55 thousand managers. Today the LINK is the largest Russian business school giving formation of the international level and uniting more of hundred educational centers in Russia and near abroad.