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CSTS Dinamika

CSTS Dinamika
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Alexander A. Litvinenko

CEO, Ph.D.

Andrew G. Biouchguens

Chief Designer, simulation

Sukhanov Valery Leonidovich

Chairman of board of directors

Vitaly S. Karlin

Project manager, manoeuvrable aircrafts, Ph.D.

Vladimir V. Voejkov

Chief of simulation hardware department

Alexander M. Volodko

The leading expert.

Ivanenko Valery Ivanovich

The head of department УСО

Michael G. Shapiro

Chief of software department

Shishkin Jury Aleksandrovich

Main designer of the automated means of training

Aviation simulator

Complex simulator of crew of the plane Mig-29

The complex simulator of new generation allows to fulfil all without exception modes of piloting and fighting application down t...

Complex simulator of crew of plane Su-33

The modernized complex simulator of crew of plane Su-33 imparts steady skills in work with the equipment of a cabin at the decis...

Simulator of crew Mi-8/Mi-17

The complex simulator for family of helicopters Mi-8/Mi-17 includes the following basic modules: • A cabin of crew; • The c...

Complex simulator of crew of helicopter Mi-24P

The main feature of a unique complex simulator of army fighting helicopter Mi-24 will be, that both cabins are grouped the same ...

Complex simulator of crew L-39

The simulator aviation allows to carry out trial structure in regular operational modes of flight, in conditions of vigorous man...

Procedural simulator MI-24PN

The structure of an aviation simulator includes the following basic modules: • A breadboard model of a cabin of helicopter Mi-...

Simulator of the operator of a cargo on an external suspension bracket

Company " Dynamics" develops unique for today in Russia a simulator of the operator of a cargo on an external suspension bracket...

Engineering simulators

Flight stand RRJ

Engineering simulator for support of designing of planes of family RRJ It is intended for the decision of the following problems...

Flight stand PSPK-102

At unique stand PSPK-102 the big cycle settlement and experimental researches with participation of pilots and cosmonauts - veri...

The flight stand of the deck plane Mig-29К

The stand is intended for the decision of the following problems: - Working off of a control system; - Optimization of system ...

The flight stand of working off of the onboard equipment Mig-29K

The flight stand of working off of the onboard equipment Mig-29K contains the computer complex, in structure of which by means o...

The automated training systems

The automated training system

The automated training system for theoretical preparation nonproduction structure aboard the plane Bе-200 represents the compute...

The automated training system Silt - 96-300

The training system represents the computer program which is established on a server of a class of theoretical preparation. In s...

АОС ЛС That - 204

In 1996г for the first time in Russia the automated training system on retraining structure aboard the plane That - 204-100 and ...

AOS LS Su-25

Training system AOS LS Su-25 represents the computer program which is established on a server of a class of theoretical preparat...

The center of scientific and technical services "Dynamics" is created in 1989 with the purpose of development and manufacture of a full complex of aviation means of training for nonproduction structure - from computer classes of theoretical preparation up to the complex complex aviation simulators providing the maximal conformity of modelled conditions of flight real.
Now the company is the enterprise conducting in Russia on development and manufacture of aviation simulators.

The basic directions of activity:

? Complex and procedural aviation simulators for preparation of crews of planes and helicopters;
? Automated training systems;
? Training components;
? Mathematical models of dynamics of flight and functioning of systems of flying devices;
? Engineering simulators (flight stands);
? The software of support of researches;
? Tool means of modelling of aviation complexes;
? A technique of application of means of training;
? Research development in the field of dynamics of flight, control systems, aerodynamics and durability of the flying device.

Basic let out production:
- Complex and procedural simulators for planes and helicopters;
- Engineering simulators (flight stands) and the software for support of designing of new planes and helicopters;
- Training components: systems of visualization, system of mobility, mathematical models of dynamics of flight of planes and helicopters;
- Automated training systems for nonproduction structure.

For electronic communication take advantage of a key " To send inquiry
In the company " which is located in the beginning of page.

More detailed information on the company and its production look on site "Dynamics" www.dinamika-avia.ru

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