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KhSC / Khrunichev Space Center

From competition to partnership and cooperation

Earth’s Observation from Space

International Projects

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Earth’s Observation from Space

Within the framework of international EO efforts, KhSC have been involved in the implementation of the Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES) concept.

The earth’s observation (EO) programs, one of KhSC’s top priorities, envisages the establishment of a spaceborne earth’s remote sensing system. The components of this system will include a set of Monitor small satellites (built around the Yakhta (Yacht) generic space bus), a mission control center, a ground data acquisition system and a system management and data processing center (SMDPC). This structure of an earth’s observation system pivoted around a single company and having a single management point is to become a first-ever in Russia.

The Khrunichev Center has been licensed by the Russian Aerospace Agency for monitoring and remote sensing of the earth and the Monitor E Earth’s Observation System has been included in the Federal Space Program.

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