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KhSC / Khrunichev Space Center

From competition to partnership and cooperation

Baikal Reusable Launch Vehicle

Launch Vehicles

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Baikal Reusable Launch Vehicle

Baikal is a future reusable launch vehicle (RLV) being developed jointly by KhSC and the Molniya (Lightning) Research and Production Corporation. The purpose of this project is to reduce the operational launch vehicle cost and to minimize the drop fields, a problem of extreme significance now that the Russian launch bases are located well inside a continent.

To achieve this goal comprehensive tests of this vehicle are being planned, to be followed by its experimental integration in Angara launch vehicles. Other options are also under consideration envisaging integration of Baikal in other types of launchers including foreign ones.

Some structural elements and the propulsion unit of Baikal are off-the-shelf design used in the CCB. Moreover, Baikal will have a foldable wing, an all-moving tailplane and an auxiliary turbojet engine.

The booster is fit with a rocket steering system to exercise attitude control after the booster has completed its mission and is about to enter the earth’s atmosphere. After entering the atmosphere and undergoing preliminary deceleration Baikal begins gliding flight using its foldable wing, with flight controlled by aerodynamic devices. Gliding turns into powered flight as the two air-breathing engines in the RLV’s forward section come into play. Controlled by its own navigation system Baikal returns to the airfield near the originating pad to land on its airplane-like retractable wheeled landing gear.

Thus if the RLV integrated in an Angara launcher lifted off at Plesetsk, Russia then on its back flight this return vehicle might land onto the Plesetsk airfield.

   About company
Dr. Alexander A. Medvedev
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   Exhibitor of
High Technology of XXI

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