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KhSC / Khrunichev Space Center

From competition to partnership and cooperation
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Company name: Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
Brief name company: KhSC / Khrunichev Space Center
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Dr. Alexander A. Medvedev
Contact information: (095) 145-92-10, 142-59-00, , www.khrunichev.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 121087 Moscow, Novozavodskaja St., 18
Post address of the main office: 121087, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, Novozavodskaja St., 18

Basic directions of activity

Space system technology.

List of names of basic let out production

Booster Proton, Proton-M, Rockot, Angara, stage reusable booster Baikal booster.
Breeze-M, Breeze-KMФ OHB.
ISS modules Zarya, Zvezda, FGB-2.
Communication services.
Small Space Crafts based on Yahta bus.

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