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Social Infrastructure

Main areas of the KhSC Social Development Program:
­ Housing construction,
­ Child care,
­ Child recreation,
­ Family holiday-making
­ Recreational facilities,
­ Hotels,
­ Medical care,
­ Social security.
The Social Development Program is and will be supported by

Chain of Infant Schools
Child Institutions:
11 well-equipped day-care facilities bring up a total of 879 children.
All premises have a modern and good-looking interior, and music rooms are available.
Logopedic exercises are offered. A pedagogic college uses some of the KhSC day-care centers as its training base.
Reduced fees are charged on KhSC employees for their kids attending these facilities. The parents should pay only 20 percent of the nominal price of an infant school voucher.
Much attention is paid to providing high-quality meals.
With an average per-infant cost of the daily ration of 50 rubles, daily meals include meat, fish, vegetables and fruit.
The diet is based on the Advanced Menu developed by the Nutrition Institute.
- 2 children’s recreational camps, Ozyory and Zelyonaya Gorka, in the Moscow suburbs

Children’s Vacation in Recreational Camps
More than 3000 KhSC employees’ children spent their summer and/or winter vacations in the Ozyory and Zelyonaya Gorka camps in the Moscow suburbs.
Each camp has two-storied brick houses, a well-equipped canteen, a cinema and a medical care facility.
Boiling rooms support the heating systems and supply hot running water the year round.

Holiday Hotels
KhSC employees can rest, with their families, in one of two holiday hotels - Zarya (’Dawn’), a 252-bed facility in the Stupino District, Moscow Region (therapeutic treatment is offered here in addition to conventional recreational activities), and Planeta (’The Planet’), a 256-bed facility in Evpatoriya, the Crimea.
Each of the two facilities is essentially a modern hotel with high-standard services and convenient double or single-bed rooms.
Available for guests are beaches, swimming pools, cinemas, restaurants and bars. Medical services are offered.
The two hotels can be used as convenient venues for conferences or symposia, with up-to-date telecommunications and telephone lines as well as web access available.

Kosmos Public Catering Center
Meals for KhSC employees are provided by the Kosmos (’Cosmos’) Public Catering Center with its chain of shop floor canteens and luncheon bars.
Kosmos is well equipped with up-to-date food treatment devices and has magnificently decorated dining rooms.
This facility houses a deli counter, five banquet halls, the Russian Room, a dietary meals room, three bars, the Korall bear pub and a ’mini market’.
Celebration or wedding parties are common events here.
Kosmos was a winner at many public catering facilities competitions.
The Best Cook and The Best Culinary Expert titles awarded to Kosmos’ employees testify to the high skills and proficiency of the facility’s personnel.
Kosmos is the holder of the Golden Crane, a Russian national prize.
”Good meals at attractive prices” is the Kosmos’ motto.

Gorbunov Culture Center
More than one generation of Khrunichev Employees and Fili residents were brought up under the influence of the good traditions of the Gorbunov Center of Culture, one of the oldest of its kind in Moscow.
The Gorbunov Center is a monument of architecture designed by Ya. Kornfeld in the 1930s. It is a unique compound that includes a theater house, a clubhouse and a sporting house.
The Gorbunov Center has two comfortable auditoriums where best Moscow theaters staged their shows, domestic and foreign movies were shown, festivals and galas took place. 17 amateur classes or teams function in various areas for the benefit of KhSC employees and their children.
There are several permanent clubs including the Health School managed by Mrs. Galina Shatalova, the Orpheus Philophonist Club, the We’re Over 30 Club, the Amateur Choir Club and the Poet-Singers Club.
The Institute of Modern Art and the Children’s Academy of Art use the Center as a permanent base for their classes.
Widely popular are the Fili Theater, the Youth’s Theater School, the Russian Folk Orchestra, the Brass Band, the Dance Ensemble, the Nedogonov Literary Circle, the Modern Ball-room Dance School, the Orpheus Vocal and Opera School, etc.

Instrumental in health-care and physical development are the KhSC sporting facilities including

­ The Physical Culture and Sports Center including a core facility with its rugby pitch and 5000-seat stands, two 36 by 18-meter gymnasiums, surface sporting grounds such as outdoor tennis courts, multi-purpose sporting grounds, and a wire-netted ice hockey rink;
­ The indoor tennis courts include four hard-cover courts, two squash courts, a training tennis hall, a gymnasium, an aerobic and shipping hall, a sauna, a medical recovery center, and an underground garage with a capacity of 23 cars;
­ The Konstruktor (’Designer’) Sporting Complex;
­ The Fili Palace of Water Sports with its big pool and children’s pool, a sauna, a solarium, and a gymnasium. Aquatic aerobic classes function.

Proton Business Hotel
The Proton Business Hotel is a modern facility with 84 rooms.
Telephones (with long-distance access), satellite TV and minibars are provided in each of these attractive and comfortable rooms.
A first-class restaurant and bars, a sauna, a gym, a massage and cosmetic parlor and hair-dressing services are available.
The hotel offers any kind of office equipment such as copying machines, fax machines, and computers. Access is provided to e-mail services and the Internet.
A 50-seat conference room is a convenient venue for negotiations, discussions or conferences. Extra convenience is added by video conferencing facilities and simultaneous translation equipment.
Putting the Proton Business Hotel in operation has created convenient conditions for foreign companies coming to Moscow to negotiate potential contracts, as well as our partners in the international space projects.

Medical Center
Renovation of the Medical Center in 1999 has expanded its throughput to 1250 visits per shift.
The best domestic or foreign equipment has been purchased, and data processing and storage have been computerized.
The standards of medical service have been raised.
Planned hospitalization under contracts with medical facilities is provided free to KhSC employees, all charges being paid by the Khrunichev Space Center.
KhSC veterans are provided with drugs either free or at a reduced price.

Housing Construction
Improving the housing conditions of the employees on the KhSC waiting list is a significant area of social care and efforts aimed at raising life standards.
Throughout its history KhSC have invested a lot in the construction of houses for KhSC employees.
By way of example, KhSC have demolished decrepit houses with a total floor area of 38,000 square meters to commission new residential houses with 2516 apartments totaling 132,000 square meters of floor space over the last 15 years.
A residential compound is being built at Block 48 Bolshaya Filyovskaya Street to add 540 new apartments and an underground garage with a 260-car capacity.
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