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MRPC Avionica

Moscow Research-Production Complex Avionica

”Avionica” is a leader of home aircraft instrument-making industry

Alexander V. Vorobiev

General director

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Alexander V. Vorobiev

Sparrows Alexander Vladimirovich was born in 1957 in White Church, the Kiev area.
Since 1980 Vorobjeva A.V.'s working career is inextricably related from Open Society MNPK ' Avionics '.
With 1980 on 1993 has passed a labour way from the technics - researcher up to the chief of sector of the thematic unit.
With 1993 worked on supervising posts: from the chief of a department up to the Main designer. During work as the Main designer has brought in the powerful contribution to development of laws of management and the software, design and decisions, microelectronic components of power units, means of automation of designing and the control over all products which are let out by the enterprise.
In 2003 it is appointed 1-st assistant to the general director - Director on the international and in-Russian communications.
Since February, 2004 - the General director of Open Society MNPK ' Avionics '.
At his direct participation has been created and a lot of systems of automatic and complex management, navigating complexes for planes and helicopters, such as САУ-10С for plane Su-27, САУ-10М-03 for Су-30МКИ, САУ-10К and ПНК-10К for Су-33, САУ-10В for Су-34, ПНК-10М for Су-37, САУ-451-05СМТ for Instant - 29СМТ (УБТ), СДУ-915ОВТ for the Instant - 29М, ЭДСУ-200 for Бе-200, КСУ-? for helicopter ' Ансат ' is successfully maintained, etc. Besides supervised over creation of means of training: procedural simulators for helicopters KA-50 and Ми-8МТВ.
« The honours pupil of quality МАП », « the Honourable airbuilder » is awarded with a medal « In memory of the 850-anniversary of Moscow », signs.
Has 5 patents of the Russian Federation for inventions, is the author more than 40 publications in the field of development of digital systems of automatic control by flights of flying devices and means of training of airexperts. Has a scientific degree of Cand.Tech.Sci.
Transfers the experience to students, being the professor of MGTU to them. Bauman and МАИ.

The reference: Use of high technologies, high reliability, quality of production, faultless performance of obligations taken on - here our philosophy at performance of development for you, dear customers and partners.

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