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Saturn NPO JSC

Send request to the company
Company name: Joint stock company `Scientific production association `Saturn`
Brief name company: Saturn NPO JSC
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Yuri V. Lastochkin
Contact information: (4855) 29-61-01, 21-31-08, , www.npo-saturn.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 152903 Rybinsk, 163 Lenin Str
Post address of the main office: 152903, Russian Federation, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk, 163 Lenin Str

Basic directions of activity

Design, production, maintenance and overhaul of civil and military aircraft gas-turbine engines; engines for unmanned vehicles and helicopters; gas-turbine marine engines; industrial gas-turbine engines for power generation and gas-pumping; research and development.

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About technical the characteristic, the prices and conditions purchase of let out production it is possible to receive more detailed information here

List of names of basic let out production

Military aircraft engines: Аl-31F, Аl-31FP, Аl-31FN, Аl-55, RD-600V, 36, 36МТCivil
Аircraft engines: D-30КU, D-30КP, D-30КU-154, SM146, TVD-1500
Industrial gas-turbine plants:PGU-325, PGU-170, GTE-110, АL-31SТE, GTE-16,GТES-12, GТES-2.5
Gas-turbine superchargers of natural gas:АL-31SТ, GPА-10, GPА-6,3, GPА-4
Gas-turbine marine engines:М75R, М70FP

   About company
   Main activity
Turbojet Aircraft Engines
Saturn AL-31F
Marine gas-turbine engines
Saturn M75RU, Saturn M70FRU
Turbofan Engines
Gas-Turbine Power Drives
Saturn AL-31ST
Gas-Turbine Engines
Saturn AL-55
Gas-Pumping Units
Saturn GPA-4
Turboshaft Engines
Turbojet Engines
Gas-Turbine Power Plant
Saturn GTE-110
Gas-Turbine Heat and Electric Power Stations
Saturn GTES-12
Combined Cycle Plant
Gas-Turbine Heat and Electric Power Station
Saturn GTES-2.5
Companies in structure
Lytkarinsky Machine-Building Plant
Scientific and Technical Center named after. А. Lyulka (Moscow)
Production site, Design bureau (Rybinsk)
Production site (Rybinsk)
   Exhibitor of
Farnborough International
Russia Power

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