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Light Tower
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Moscow Research Institute


Yevseyev Dmitry Dmitriyevich

General Director

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Photo Activity and biography
Dmitry Yevseyev


Born April 12, 1948 in Zhukovsky, Moscow region.
After graduating secondary school in 1966, started to work as laboratory personnel in TSAGI.
Simultaneously took an evening course in Moscow Higher Technical University named after Bauman. After graduating in 1972 from the University, worked in TSAGI as an engineer and later as Sector Head. In 1978, he finished his post-graduate course and defended his Ph.D. thesis in Technology.
In 1994 and 1996 he was elected municipal assembly delegate of the town of Zhukovsky.
In 1996 – 2000 worked as Deputy Head of the town of Zhukovsky.
In 2000 started to work in MRI “Agat” as Director assistant.
Since 2002 – Deputy General Director, Economy and social issues, and since 2006 – Deputy General Director, Economy.
On December 1, 2006 appointed General Director of MRI “Agat” by the Managing Board of Air Defense Concern “Almaz-Antey”.

Academic degree and status:

Ph.D., Technology (1980); senior researcher (1985).


Medal “In commemoration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow” (1997).

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Russian Expo Arms
High Technology of XXI

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