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Brief History

Joint Stock Company “AGAT” Moscow Research Institute” (JSC “AGAT MRI”) is a part of the “Almaz” – “Antey” air defence concern . “AGAT” MRI was founded in January 27, 1986 as a part of “Phazotron” Scientific and Production Association (SPA) of the Ministry of Radio Industry of USSR Resolution of Central Committee of Communist Party and Council of Ministers of USSR. Newly organized Institute included part work collectives of NIIP (town of Zhukovsky) and of NIIR (Moscow).
I.G. Akopyan was appointed to be Director of the Institute and Chief Designer.The team of researchers that became a basis of the Institute, has been working at development of radar seekers since 1958. From that time till now the Institute has developed all types of radar seekers for the missiles serving as the main armament of Russian fighters MIG-23, MIG-25, MIG-29, MIG-31, SU-27 and their up-grades as well as radar seekers for the missiles of the Army air-defence complexes “KUB”, “BUK” and their up-grades – complexes “KVADRAT”, “GANG” and “URAL”. The up-grade of “BUK” complex is used in the naval defence complex “SHTIL”.In 80th – 90th years a family of active radar seekers for the new generation of air-to-air missiles has been developed in “AGAT” MRI. Some of them were capable of being used in both air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles. “Upgraded 9B-1103M” active radar seeker is one of them. It is less by 30% in weight and length than any of its predecessors. It may be used with any of air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles within calibers of 150-200 to 400 mm.At present, specialists of JSC “AGAT” MRI carry out the work for development of air-to-air and surface-to-air active radar seeker of new generation.
The Institute pays much attention to the development of commercial products as well and, in particular, of medical devices. The following devices have been developed and certified recently:
- multi-channel computerized electrocardiograph EC 15CP-01, non-invasive bilirubin analyzer ABChK-02, designed for defining the level of total and conjugated bilirubin in the blood without inflicting any damage to skin during each measurement. The device may be used for examining patients of any age, including newborn children;
- UROFLOWMETER-AGAT designed for mass examination of population with the purpose of timely detection of urological diseases.
Some other developments in the same area are under way at present (noninvasive haemoglobin analyzer, cardiomonitor to be carried by a patient, etc.).
About 200 employees of the Institute have been awarded with orders and medals of the USSR and Russia for significant contribution and success in the field of defence equipment development. 35 engineers of “AGAT” MRI were conferred honorary titles of the USSR and Russia.
I.G. Akopyan, General Director – General Designer of the Institute is a Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR and the Prize of the Government of Russian Federation.
V.V. Chubrov, Chief Designer, is a Laureate of Lenin Prize of the USSR. B.A. Artamonov, B.S. Apkhipov, G.N. Valaev, B.N. Ermakov, Sh.K. Kadyshev, V.D. Chernov, U.D. Shapiro are awarded with State Prizes of the USSR, and E.D. Vastyagin and S.P. Mazharov are Laureates of the Prize of the Government of Russian Federation.
“AGAT” Moscow Research Institute is one of not so many world companies capable of developing radar homing heads for both airborne and air defence missiles at the level of world standards. The team of specialists and scientists of the Institute is ready to develop most advanced radar seekers or another complicated equipment in short terms on the contractual base. The highest quality of developed equipment is guaranteed.
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