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Company name: Rostov Helicopter Production Complex Rostvertol PLC
Brief name company: Rostvertol
Country: Russian Federation
Available certificates: - Certificate of conformity No.3-SK F 07 02 0014-200, issued by NMTz Norma on 12.07.2000. It certifies that the quality system applied to production and modernization of Mi-24, Mi-26T, Mi-28N, Mi-34 helicopters and their modifications, blades and spare parts to them and Mi-2, Mi-6, Mi-6A, Mi-22, Mi-10, Mi-10K helicopters (EKPС 1520, 1615) corresponds to the requirements of GOST ISO 9002-96 and СRPP VT standards.

Certificate of training center No.049, issued by the System of Certification on RF Air Transport of State Service CA of July 1, 2001 certifies the right of carrying out educational activity on preparing specialists of the corresponding level according to the lists of positions of CA personnel.
Available licenses: - License ser. LUTz No.00058 issued on July 7, 2001 by the State Body on Certification of Aviation Training Centers of Civil Aviation. Certifies the owner`s right to perform educational activity on preparing specialists of the corresponding level according to the lists of positions of aviation personnel of civil aviation on directions (specialities) determined in the Certificate.

- License No.1703582/832 dated May 18, 2000 is issued by the Chamber of Licenses of Rostov region. The Ministry of general and professional education of Russian Federation. Certifies the right to carry out educational activity at the level of professional preparation, re-preparation, qualification increase and additional educational services.
Head of the company: Boris Nikolaievitch Sliussar
Contact information: (8632) 727-493, 450-134, , www.rostvertolplc.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 344038 Rostov-on-Don, Novatorov str., 5
Post address of the main office: 344038, Russian Federation, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Novatorov str., 5

Basic directions of activity

Production, repair, warranty and post-warranty servicing, training, logistics.

List of names of basic let out production

Mi-24/35, Mi-26T helicopters in different modifications, Mi-28NE, spare parts, blades.

List of names other let out production

Consumer goods.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.