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Company Sukhoi
Su-30MK, Su-31M, Su-32, Su-35
Rosoboronexport - Export/import of military/dual-use equipment and strategic raw materials...
FSUE «MDPC «UNIVERSAL» is leading in Russia where development and production of landing equipment and different ty...
Development radar-tracking, the diagnostic medical equipment
Aviatehmas, JSC
7-50s-3, AMG-10, VNIINP 50-1-4u, VNIINP 50-1-4f
Light Tower
Mobile emergency illumination device « Light tower»
Rosma, JSC
Working fluid 7-50s-3, Hydraulic oil AMG-10, VNII NP 50-1-4u, VNII NP 50-1-4f
Tupolev, JSC
TUPOLEV JSC designs, manufactures and tests air vehicles, aerates and implements new production technologies, sells and lets air...
123 Aircraft Repair Plant
123 ARZ performs overhaul of An-12, Il-78 and Il-76 aircraft of different versions, aircraft engines Al-20 (K, M, D), D-30KP (KP...
Novator Experimental Machine Design Bureau FSUE
Experimental Machine Design Bureau ”Novator” offers: Anti-ship cruise missile complexes Anti-submarine missile complexes Anti-ai...
Klimov Corporation
Design, serial production and maintenance of aviation, tank and marine gas turbine engines and also mobile power plants based on...

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.