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Ufa Engine Industrial Association (UMPO), JSC

visitors: persons  reviews
month:  246 308
last:  726 845
Product rating
Person rating

CSTS Dinamika
Developing research simulators and software for research support, Creating training software for flight and technical stuff, Producing and integrating component parts for simulators
Machine-building production, Consumer goods
Ufa Engine Industrial Association (UMPO), JSC
AL-31FP, R29B-300, D436T1, D436TP, Mi-26 Helicopter units
Company Sukhoi
Be-103, Su-49 (ITA), Su-32, Su-29
ABCK-02, КЕМР, Uroflowmeter
MMPP Salut
AL-31 F aircraft turbofan engine, D-436T1/T2 engines, R-15B-300, D-27
- APD-99 series 5 - engine starting automatic control unit;
- BRZU-2V - adjustment, protection and control unit;
Perm Engine Company
GTU-12PER, GTU-2,5P, GTU-16P, Ural-2500
121 ARZ
FSUE ”121ARZ” has licence of Russian avia-space agency N 2550 from 9.07.2003. with the rignts on repairing of arms and equipmen...
- Export and import of flying devices, the aviation equipment and devices, the air field and ground equipment, simulators, other...
MRPC Avionica
Integrated control system KSU-821, SDU-915-01, SDU-10MK, SAU-10M-03

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.