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Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant (LEMZ), FSUE

Terminal area radar complex UTES-A

ATC radars

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Terminal area radar complex UTES-A is designed for air traffic control in large and middle-sized airport areas.

UTES-A radar complex comprises:
- primary radar (PR);
- built-in secondary radar (SR) or equipment for interface with autonomous SR (at customer`s request);
- PR and SR radar data processing and combining equipment.

The PR comprises:
- antenna module and feeder section;
- solid-state transmitting device;
- receiving system;
- signal processing system;
- radar head processor;
- automated system of monitoring and control;
- auxiliary systems.

By Buyer`s request the radar complex UTES-A can have as a component a built-in SSR of any type.
Two-beam antenna system by means of special overlap of the upper and the lower beams provides for formation of coverage zone in vertical plane with elevation range from 0.5° to 45°. The use of the upper receiving beam data in close-in zone allows to reduce clutter from underlying surface approximately by 20 dB. In horizontal plane the coverage zone is provided by antenna mechanical rotation with the speed of 12 rpm.

The sounding signals, formed by two-channel transmitting system, are emitted simultaneously at two carrier frequencies, differing by 56 MHz and providing diversity radiation mode.

To provide the necessary radar performance figure of the PR together with minimal range and high resolution, in every period of repetition two sounding signals of different duration are emitted: monochromatic signal and composite signal with intrapulse linear frequency modulation (LFM). The receiving system includes apparatus for analog and digital signal processing, for signals parameters estimation (clutter map), for noncoherent and coherent integration, for moving targets indication and for coordinates calculation.

There is a special true meteochannel in the PR. Meteorological data reception in operating mode with circular polarization is performed from the orthogonal input of an antenna upper exciter polarizer. The reception and processing equipment of the meteochannel is identical to the main channel. While operating in linear polarization mode weather data is extracted from zero Doppler filter of the main channel. Programmable computer of the PR performs calculation of aircraft coordinates and forms meteorological formations contours in six gradations.

The head processor of the radar complex combines echoes of the PR and the SR, forms targets tracks, thus performing the data secondary processing functions. Besides, it is used simultaneously as the processor of the automated system of monitoring and control (ASMC) of the radar complex. The head processor computing facilities have full automatic redundancy and are able to adapt to overloads.

The automated system of monitoring and control (ASMC) makes it possible to perform both from a local control panel on a radar site and remotely (for example, from controllers` command post) a control of radar complex operating modes, an assessment of its technical condition, a diagnosis of faults, as well as to perform automatic reconfiguration (switching over to stand-by facilities) of the radar complex. Built-in test equipment makes it possible to perform diagnostics and troubleshooting up to a level of line replaceable unit (LRU).

The high level of radar complex automation together with its high reliability provides for its non-attendance operation (operation without permanent personnel attendance on a radar site).

The radar complex equipment is mounted in special shelters (containers), providing all necessary conditions for the equipment and personnel functioning (ventilation, air-conditioning, lighting, fire protection and security signalling and so on). On a radar site the containers (shelters) are assembled into one four-container module, forming the complete technical building. Such design minimises construction and assembly work on a radar site. According to customer`s request the equipment can be assembled also in a stationary building.
- high performance data, which meet the ICAO and Eurocontrol requirements;
- high reliability with automatic redundancy;
- remote control, monitoring and diagnostics;
- possibility of non-attendance operation;
- adaptation to environment conditions;
- solid-state technology;
- up-to-date technique of signals and data processing;
- built-in true meteochannel;
- display system on high-resolution graphic monitors;
- equipment for radar data transmission to controllers` command post;
- recording and replaying of radar data;
- possibility of interfacing with any means of ATC;
- high plant readiness of the equipment, placed in container (shelter) buildings with all necessary support systems;
- turn-key delivery;
- warranty and after-warranty servicing.
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ATC radars
Special radars
Processing and display EQPT
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