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A.S. Yakovlev Design Bureau

Trainer-Combat Yak-130, Trainer Yak-130.


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for Air Force of Russian Federation

Yak-133 Fighter, Yak-133IB Fighter-bomber, Yak-133R reconnaissance aircraft, Yak-133PP Jammer, Trainer Yak-133 shipborne trainer, Yak-133 unmanned reconnaissance attack fighter.

The YAK-130 aircraft is a middle-swept-wing monoplane of classic configuration with two-seat tandem cockpit equipped with two turbojet bypass engines.

The aerodynamic configuration as well as powerplant and aircraft system performance allow the aircraft to operate at all modes typical for modern and advanced combat aircraft.

The developed leading-edge extensions and air intakes arrangement ensure the possibility to perform the steady controllable flight at the angles of attack up to 40 . The high thrust-to-weight ratio (two engines AИ-222-25 with the thrust of 2x2500 kg) provides the aircraft with the high sustained maneuver g-load, excellent takeoff performance and climbing ability.

Nine stores (six under wing points, two wingtips points and one under fuselage point) allow the aircraft to carry up to 3000 kg of payload (arm, external fuel tanks, pods containing the arm guidance system, surveillance equipment and radio electronic and IR countermeasure aids).
The air intakes closed with the doors when the aircraft running on the ground, landing gear with the mud flap on the nose wheel allowing to operate on the grass runway and high takeoff and landing performance ensure the possibility to use the aircraft from small unprepared airfields.

The aircraft is equipped with integrated fly-by-wire control system allowing, for the training purposes, to change the stability and controllability characteristics depending on the simulated aircraft and perform the automatic control system and active flight safety system functions.

Each aircraft cabin has the electronic indication based on three multifunctional liquid crystal displays 6x8 ins without electro-mechanical instruments.
flight performance allowing to fulfill the basic maneuvers peculiar to combat aircraft of 4-th and 5-th generations;
effective pupils training in piloting the modern and advanced aircraft with simulation of different combat missions;
possibility to reprogram aircraft characteristics to simulate the behavior of different aircraft types;
aircraft service life not less than 10 000 flying hours (20 000 landings) and calendar period of 30 years;
high operating maintainability;
competitiveness of the technical products having the wide export possibilities at international market;
aircraft aptitude for various modifications;
minimum aircraft cost;Service life, flight hours 10 000

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