Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator

Quality - on the height!
Onboard landing equipment VIM-95

The navigating equipment

Navigation and landing equipment


Navigating equipment VIM-95 is intended for work with radio beacons of system of near navigation - VOR and radio beacons of systems of tool landing of air courts - ILS, the Joint venture - 50.

Onboard landing equipment VIM-95 gives out the information on an azimuth on radio beacon VOR and deviations from lines of a rate decrease at landing on systems ILS and the Joint venture - 50 both in digital, and in the analog form, and as signals of passage beacons.

Belongs to new generation of the onboard landing equipment. In comparison with previous domestic model of equipment VOR*ILS
(Rate - МП-70) the volume and weight VIM-95 have decreased in 3 times.

Satisfies, and on some parameters and surpasses requirements of the Appendix 10 ICAO (volume 1), corresponds to requirements.

The equipment has the ramified built - in control, allowing to make check of the receiver directly onboard an air vessel.

Copes digital signals as it is centralized, and from own control panel.

Navigating equipment VIM-95 corresponds to normative documents:

Has the certificate on validity N СГКИ II0-70 VIМ-95

At the request of the Customer in the complete set of onboard landing equipment VIM-95 delivery course (navigating), aerials is possible.

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