Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator

Quality - on the height!
Early warning system of affinity of the ground SRPBZ-M

The small-sized indicator

Navigation and landing equipment


The small-sized indicator of an early warning system of affinity of the ground SRPBZ-M solves all problems of systems TAWS and displays the information from systems TAWS, TCAS.

Indicator SRPBZ-M is issued in two updatings: equipment TAWS of a class And and equipment TAWS of a class of Century.

At installation on all types of air courts does not demand additional adjustment according to a configuration of the plane equipment.

Without the additional block of interface receives the information in digital or in the analog form from onboard gauges of height and speed, Landing systems, onboard приемоизмерителей satellite navigating systems.

Small-sized indicator SRPBZ-M gives out to crew the information:
- About it is inadmissible speeds of decrease,
- Dangerous affinity of the ground,
- To loss of height after rise,
- An inadmissible deviation is lower ,
- Achievement of the set height of 500 foots at landing approach,
- Dangerous obstacles and character of a relief of a terrestrial surface in a direction of flight (function FLTA),
- About premature decrease on a final site at landing approach (function PDA).

Indicator SRPBZ-M can be delivered with built - in 50-channel satellite navigating systems GPS/GLONASS of new generation which has function RAIM and contains hardware-software modules for struggle with signals.

Can be used for the decision of problems of landing of an air vessel on signals of satellite radionavigating systems GPS/GLONASS.

SRPBZ-M does not demand the verifying equipment for ground check by the plane and in АТБ.
The system corresponds to normative documents:
IСАО Аnnех 6, Раrt 1,2,3,14 СFR §21, RТСА DО-161А, ТSО-С151а, ТSО-С92с, TSO-C129a, ARINC 600-8, ARINC 708-6, ARINC 723-3, ARINC 429-15, GOST 18977-79, РТМ 1495 from amendment 2.3, ARINC 453, RТСА DО-200A, ARINC 424-13, ARINC 604, RТСА DО-178В (ур. С), КТ-178А (ур.2), КТ-34-01 (ред.2), НЛГС-3, НЛГВ-2

For purchase of the Early warning system of affinity of ground (SRPBZ-M ), specification of questions of the order and payment, take advantage of the essential elements of the company which are taking place in section " the Contact information " in the beginning of page.
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