Branch office of ARSRIRE-Navigator

Quality - on the height!
Onboard multipurpose system (BMS)

Satellite navigating system

Navigation and landing equipment


The satellite navigating system - onboard multipurpose system is used in aircraft for maintenance of the maximal safety of flights.

Onboard multipurpose system (BMS) new generation of satellite navigating systems which are raised essentially with efficiency and safety of flights of air courts and provides exact zone navigation (P-RNAV).

BMS allows not only to equip perspective air court, but also to replace maintained satellite navigating systems of the previous generation: СНС-3, НСИ-2000, СН-3301, KLN-90В, TNL-2000 Арр +, Garmin 155/165.

BMS solves problems air navigation and gives out signals in system automatic control at performance of flight on a line, in a zone of expectation, in a zone of air station and at inexact landing approach.

Provides exact landing approach on system of satellite navigation with use of the information from the onboard equipment of reception of differential data (APDD) in standard ICAO (RTCA).

Displays the information for maintenance of routing navigation and at the landing approach, acting from early warning systems of affinity of the ground (SRPBZ, TAWS), automatic dependent supervision (АZNН-V) and system of satellite landing(planting) (GLS), displays aeronavigation and topographical cards.

Contains a world, periodically updated, topographical and aeronavigation database with circuits of standard procedures. Allows to make manual input or a choice of the required plan of flight.

БМС without additional blocks of interface can communicate with gauges of navigating and landing systems in the digital and analog form. Reserves of computing resources and channels of an information exchange allow to increase functionalities of system.

BMS creates a vertical structure of flight and carries out navigation in a vertical plane. BMS automatically supervises a vertical structure of flight with the account:
- Restrictions on height of flight of air lines,
- The minimal height of flight outside of lines,
- The minimal safe height.

In a vertical plane mode Direct To and calculations of points of the beginning and the termination of ascent and decrease is realized.

Contains a database (DB) into which enter:
- The world aeronavigation database (2 banks),
- An aeronavigation database of the pilot / company,
- A database of magnetic declination,
- Data ЛТХ, configurations and structure of equipment ВС.

Aeronavigation database BMS is updated according to cycle AIRAC each 28 days and contains the information on the following types of objects:
- The airports and runways;
- Radio engineering means of navigation and landing;
- Points of a route;
- The called points belonging to terminal procedures of a start (SID), an arrival (STAR) and landing approach (APPROACH);
- Standard terminal procedures SID, STAR;
- Lines (AIRWAYS);
- Circuits of flight in a zone of expectation (HOLDING PATTERN);
- Circuits of prelanding maneuver (APPROACH);
- Runways (RUNWAYS);
- The minimal safe heights (MSA);
- Areas of the flight information (FIR, UIR);
- Communication in area of the airport and on air lines.

The satellite navigating system corresponds to normative documents:
КТ-34-01 , GOST 18977-79, РТМ 1495 from amendment 2.3, КТ-178А (ур.2), НЛГС-3, НЛГВ-2, RТСА DО-208, RТСА DО-253, RТСА DО-160D, ТSО-С129а, ТSО-С113a, TSO-C144, TSO-C146, ARINC 743A-3, ARINC 702, ARINC 588, ARINC 429, ARINC 453, ARINC 424, ARINC 604.

For purchase of Onboard multipurpose system (BMS), specification of questions of the order and payment, take advantage of the essential elements of the company which are taking place in section " the Contact information " in the beginning of page.
For electronic communication take advantage of a key " To send inquiry in the company " which is located in the beginning of page.

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