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Enhanced ground proximit warning system

Navigation and landing equipment


Enhanced ground proximit warning system using in commercial aircraft

The early warning system of affinity of ground according to requirements is obligatory onboard each plane.

Installation Enhanced ground proximit warning system on any plane does not demand the additional block of interface and additional adjustments. After connection to navigating systems and gauges SRPBZ itself distinguishes type of a configuration of the plane equipment and automatically chooses the necessary signals.

Enhanced ground proximit warning system equally reliably works with the modern digital onboard equipment and with traditional analog. It is confirmed with its successful operation by planes:
That - 154М, That - 204, That - 214, That - 334, Silt - 62М,
Silt - 76МД, Silt - 76ТД, Silt - 86, Silt - 114, Як-40,
Як-42, Бе-200.

To it with onboard gauges of height and speed, landing and radar-tracking systems, onboard satellite navigating systems, onboard trunk-call devices, light-signal devices and onboard indicators.

For display of a lay of land any onboard multipurpose indicators having interface ARINC-429 or ARINC-453 (708), including specialized indicator SRPBZ (Enhanced ground proximit warning system) and onboard multipurpose system BMS can be used.

Enhanced ground proximit warning system gives out to crew the information:
- About it is inadmissible speeds of decrease(reduction),
- Dangerous affinity of the ground,
- To loss of height after rise,
- An inadmissible deviation is lower,
- Achievement of the set height at landing approach,
- Dangerous obstacles and character of a relief of a terrestrial surface in a direction of flight.

Enhanced ground proximit warning system essentially raises safety of flight, gives crew the full information on the current situation and provides an opportunity to leave from a ground obstacle, not breaking comfort of passengers of an air vessel.

Providing the early prevention of affinity of the ground, Enhanced ground proximit warning system solves problems of systems GPWS, EGPWS, TAWS, therefore it can be established instead of existing systems SSOS, СППЗ-1, СППЗ-85.

The system corresponds to normative documents:
IСАО Аппех 6, Раrt 1,2,3,14 СFR §21, RТСА DО-161А, ТSО-С151а, ТSО-С92с, ARINC 600-8, ARINC 708-6, ARINC 723-3, ARINC 429-15, GOST 18977-79, РТМ 1495 from amendment 2.3, ARINC 453, RТСА DО-200A, ARINC 424-13, ARINC 604, RТСА DО-178В (ур. С), КТ-178А (ур.2), НЛГС-3, НЛГВ-2

СРПБЗ has the certificate on the validity ? СГКИ-034-112-СРПБЗ
Indicator SRPBZ has the certificate on the validity ? СГКИ-034-128

The crew receives information СРПБЗ visually (corresponding to a degree of danger green, orange, red painting of the image and emergency light signals) and on hearing - for decision-making " Dangerous descent" is said by a female voice, in Russian or English language, speech messages, " Pull upwards ", " Low the chassis ", " Check up height ", etc.

Ramified built - in control СРПБЗ allows not only to check systems onboard air courts, but simultaneously to estimate serviceability of used onboard gauges and systems.

Enhanced ground proximit warning system does not demand the verifying equipment for ground check by the plane and in АТБ. Has built - in " a black box " that allows to estimate operatively work of the plane equipment and action of crew after each flight.

Why it is necessary to choose equipment Enhanced ground proximit warning system

• the Equipment corresponds to modern international requirements to systems of this class, including provides function of the early prevention of approach of the ground.
• Has the Russian and international certificates.
• the Supplier has contractual attitudes with the state enterprises of Federal service of a geodesy and cartography of Russia on delivery both certificated domestic, and a foreign electronic database of a lay of land.
• the supplier has experience of installation СРПБЗ on domestic planes, and also long-term experience of release of other aviation equipment and his accommodation by planes of various types.
• Presence at the supplier of service of service.
• Presence of own manufacture.
• Own collective of developers.
• Readiness of the supplier to solve a problem of adaptation СРПБЗ for a concrete board.
• the System works not only with systems of electrosupply of a direct current 27 In, but also from a network variable 115 In, 400 Hz.
• use on anyone ВС without adjustment for a configuration of the plane equipment is Possible.
• On an instrument board indicator SRPBZ is placed only.
• the calculator that allows to increase his functions down to the decision of problems on maintenance of requirements P-RNAV has Indicator SRPBZ.

For purchase of the Early warning system of affinity of ground , specification of questions of the order and payment, take advantage of the essential elements of the company which are taking place in section " the Contact information " in the beginning of page.
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