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Perspective work of ”Industrial GTU”


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Block modular high automatic gas turbine power stations of a wide spectrum of use for electric and heat supplies of various consumers.

- Regenerative gas turbine engine (GTD) capacity 400kWt;
- Gas turbine the unit for maintenance with the electric power of ship consumers of vessel-oil storage with capacity of 600 kWt with a feed by the gas allocated from oil with the help of the special equipment;
- Gas turbine engine for a diesel locomotive capacity 1500 kWt;
- Refrigerating machinery capacity 1 MWt;
- Heat pump installation by productivity 10 Gkal;
- Reversive газотурбинные engines for the Navy capacity 10 MWt, 20MWt on diesel fuel
Evidence of perspectivity gas turbine technologies in power is the effective operating ratio of fuel more than 90 % and has not equal among other technologies.

For demonstration of advantages gas turbine thermal power stations in comparison with existing steam turbine the installations used for manufacture of the electric power we shall note, that a difference between average size of the specific charge of fuel after the thermal power station of Russian Open Society ”UES of Russia” equal 336,9 gr Wt, and the specific charge of fuel on offered block газотурбинных power stations (БГТС), equal 173, gr Wt, makes 163,6 gr Wt.

For today in the world there are no more effective technologies, allowing to save power resources. At cost of natural gas 382 roubles for 1000 nanometers a cube. And his densities equal 0,7kg/nanometer a cube, cost of the fuel electric power making in the cost price and heat depending on efficiency of us of fuel is equal 0,4 х efficiency of station.

At increase of the price of gas in 2005г (forecast) up to 1240 roubles / 000 nanometers a cube. Decrease in the cost price 1KWt/ the electric power made on BGTES, due to decrease in consumption of fuel, will increase with 0,064 up to 0,205 roubles / kw-h. Thus, than above cost of fuel, it is especially favourable to apply BGTES.

The basic consumers of natural gas in Russia are a state district power station, the thermal power station and boiler-houses (municipal industrial). Moral and physical ageing of power objects at deficiency of natural gas and deficiency of financial resources will aggravate only a situation and can lead to unguided leaving energy power.

In the cost price of the electric power and heat the share of expenses for fuel makes 65 % and is higher. Therefore the main direction energy savings should be counted increase of fuel efficiency of installations. Reconstruction of municipal and industrial boiler-houses in BGTES carries out four basic functions energy savings:
The boiler-houses giving to the population up to 62 % of thermal energy, turn from consumers of the electric power to suppliers of the cheap electric power, both in peak, and in base modes.

Specific charges of fuel, both on manufacture of the electric power, and on manufacture of heat are essentially reduced.

The cost price of thermal energy that is very important as there is an opportunity of the grant to transform into investments is reduced.

Losses in networks as local sources of the electric power are located near to consumers decrease.

In parallel with energy savings ecological parameters improve, emissions in an atmosphere of polluting substances are essentially reduced.

Delivered blocks ES should provide an opportunity of installation on the open area or in a special building. The way of installation of units is defined by the design assignment of concrete power station.

In opinion of the developer an ideal variant of accommodation of blocks of station should be a building, allowing to establish some stations, providing the maximal unification of technical decisions at all levels (from separate block devices up to the general plan) are perspective.

Such variant will allow to work according to plan at power surge and dump of loading, in time to make maintenance service, to trace an emergency.

The brief description gas turbine technologies

   About company
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Companies in structure
Machine-Building Design Bureau GRANIT
Scientific-Production Enterprise EHA
Gavrilov-Yam machine-building plant AGAT
Voskresensk machine-building plant SALUT
Narofominsk State Enterprise STATOR
National Industrial Bank
Soglasie Insurance Company Ltd
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Farnborough International
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Powertek Electronics
Dubai Airshow
Asian Aerospace

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