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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon

Coaxial Ka-28 helicopter


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Coaxial Ka-28 helicopter has two rotors of 15.9-m diameter each. The polymeric composite blades are equipped with electrical thermal de-icing system and blade folding system allowing to keep the helicopter in the ship hangars. Compact airframe with the empennage of a fixed-wing A/C type has four-leg non-retractable landing gear for operating the helicopter from ship decks in the sea state conditions of up to +10 degrees.
The export version of Ka-28 is developed on the basis of Ka-27 and differs from it by some on-board equipment units, ”friend-or-foe” identification system and larger fuel system capacity - 4,470 l. The operating ratings of TV3-117VMA engines, developed by the company, headed by Mr. A. Sarkisov, Designer General, were supplemented by higher-power emergency rating in case one of the engines fails.
Due to the unique qualities of a coaxial rotor layout the helicopter features high power-to-weight ratio, small dimensions, maneuverability, simplicity of control and safety of flight operations from ship decks in stringent sea conditions and turbulent atmosphere. Simplicity of piloting techniques and perfect flight-navigational package make it possible for one pilot to fly prolonged combat missions above reference-free water surface in any time of the year, day-and-night, and in IFR conditions.
After target is detected the on-board avionics suite in combination with the automatic control system of the helicopter solve the task of bringing the helicopter to the designated point and automatic firing of the weapons selected by the pilot.

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