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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon

Multi-role combat Ka-60 ”Kasatka”


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Ka-60 ”Kasatka” is intended for carrying landing troops, delivery of weapons and ammunition to the battlefield area, evacuation of casualties, protection and patrol of economic zones when based on the ships, search and rescue operations, training of the crews.
Ka-60 helicopter has single-rotor scheme with five-blade rotor of 13.5-m diameter. The polymeric composite blade is attached to the hub by a torsion bar. The airframe features perfect aerodynamic outlines, large door openings on both fuselage sides, retractable three-leg energy-absorbing landing gear and multi-blade (11 blades) tail rotor in the tail ring. The seats of the crew and the troopers are energy attenuating seats. The pilot-in-command is on the right-hand seat. The power plant of the helicopter is comprised of new-generation modular-design engines developed by Rybinsk Motor Design Bureau, headed by Mr. A. Novikov, Designer General.
Particular attention is paid to the increased combat survivability means of the helicopter. All principal systems and units of Ka-60 are duplicated and separated. The rotor blades with several holes from the automatic gun hits remain operable. The control system links and transmission shafts sustain the hits of 12.7-mm bullets. The composite polymeric materials that make about 60% of the helicopter structural weight also add to the increased survivability of the helicopter being more resistant to the combat damages. The foam polyurethane that filled the tanks prevents the danger of the fuel explosion. Higher survivability of the helicopter in the battlefield is also achieved by lower optical, IR and radar signatures.
The on-board avionics suite depends on the application version of the helicopter. The basic suite for all versions is the one for transport assault helicopter. This suite ensures operational missions in daytime and night, in VFR and IFR conditions.

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