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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon

Ka-32A main roles


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Ka-226 is intended for carrying passengers and cargo, and performs a wide range of tasks in the interests of various ministries and operators. The helicopter is equipped with up-to-date on-board equipment package and complies with the national aviation standards, as well as FAR requirements, categories A and B..
The organizational structure of Kamov Joint-stock company consists of a design bureau, experimental production facilities, flight test center and auxiliary services. More than 3000 best Russian helicopter specialists are working in the company.
Mr. Sergey Miheev is the President, General Director/General Designer of the company.
Ka-226 helicopter has coaxial rotor scheme with two three-blade rotors of 13-m diameter. The polymeric composite blade with advanced aerodynamic profile is semi-rigidly attached to the hub by a torsion bar. The helicopter features modular design (detachable transport-passenger cabin) and four-leg non-retractable landing gear. The coaxial rotor scheme makes Ka-226 helicopter highly maneuverable and eliminates the drawbacks resulted from the tail rotor of a single-rotor helicopters when maneuvering in the vicinity of various obstacles, and in particular, in turbulent atmosphere.
Ka-226 is a derivative of a well-known Ka-26 helicopter which fleet has flown nearly 3 million hours. The helicopter inherited the best qualities of its predecessor: simplicity of piloting techniques, low vibration level, reliability, flight safety and unpretentiousness in operation. The upgrading of the helicopter included replacement of piston engines to gas turbine engines, installation of new, aerodynamically more perfect, rotors, arrangement of new on-board avionics package and provision for comfortable conditions for the pilot and passengers. The design and manufacturing technology of Ka-226 satisfies modern production technologies ensuring long service life.
Modular design of the helicopter makes it possible to quickly develop new application versions of Ka-226. The basic version main roles are transportation of passengers and cargoes. Medical and police versions are also available. For the Ministry of Emergency situations an emergency-rescue version of Ka-226 is developed. At customer`s options the export version of Ka-226 is equipped with western avionics.

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International Aviation & Space Salon
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